KL CHRONICLE: @VellPaari : Prof. Dr.Ramasamy again avoiding to answer the questions that i have raised #Negaraku #Malaysia

Thursday, October 5, 2017

@VellPaari : Prof. Dr.Ramasamy again avoiding to answer the questions that i have raised #Negaraku #Malaysia

1. The Deputy Chief Minister (DCM) II of Penang, P. Ramasamy had issued a response to my earlier statement to him and DAP Supremo Lim Kit Siang. In my previous statement, I had raised the following questions:

_a_: What plans has the opposition have for the Indian community and are they (plans) better than what BN has produced?

_b_: Where is the alternative Pakatan Harapan (PH) Indian Blueprint to assist and address the issues faced by the Indian community in this country?

2. Unfortunately, P. Ramasamy and Lim Kit Siang are still avoiding to answer these questions. By avoiding to answer my questions, it proves that PH does not have or never had any plans in place or a blueprint to address the issues faced by the Indian community in this country. 

3. This criticism of me by both P. Ramasamy and Lim Kit Siang was due to my statement titled *_WHAT IS WRONG IN CALLING NAJIB ‘FATHER OF INDIAN DEVELOPMENT’?_* In my statement, i had stated clear facts and figures to back up my claims that Yang Amat Berhormat (YAB) Prime Minister Datuk Seri Haji Najib Bin Tun Abdul Razak has provided so much for the Indian community while only being the Prime Minister for 8 years compared to former PM and current PH’s Top Dog Tun Mahathir. The facts were there for all to see. 

4. Hence instead of engaging me with facts and figures, both Lim Kit Siang and P. Ramasamy became emotional and reverted to personal attacks hoping that it will silence me from speaking up. This just proves that Lim Kit Siang and P. Ramasamy are unable to provide any facts and figures to show what they (Pakatan Harapan) have done for the Indian community, even in Penang and Selangor after they came into power. 

5. Instead P. Ramasamy and Lim Kit Siang wanted me to ask my father. Next they will want me to ask my grandfather. Next will want me to ask the cat that sits on my compound wall and irritates my dogs every night. So that they can avoid answering the two fundamental questions that i have raised. As stated in my previous statement, all I wanted from them was factual answers to very straight forward questions. There is no point attacking me personally as an attack on me will not close the issue that i have raised. 

6. Hence I would appreciate if P. Ramasamy and Lim Kit Siang could answer the questions that i have raised since it has been about 10 days they are avoiding to answer these questions. What is so hard to just share with the Indian community on the plans and the blueprint that PH have for the community?

7.. But observing both P. Ramasamy’s and Lim Kit Siang’s statement, it’s very evident that their anger and criticism towards me is not due to the questions I posted. But due to the fact that I pointed out that it was P. Ramasamy who issued a statement that one of the worst periods for the Indian community was when Tun Mahathir was Prime Minister. 

8. Secondly that it’s was Lim Kit Siang who labelled Tun Mahathir as corrupt, a liar, racist and greatest enemy of Malaysia. Hence I questioned them, that today PH has seen it valuable to make him the " Top Dog of Pakatan" who at one time was their sworn enemy. Further for the first time Tun Mahathir was invited to DAP’s Headquarters, where he even chaired the meeting attended by all key DAP leaders. Therefore, how can working again with Tun Mahathir now in PH bring about changes to the future of the Indian community and Malaysia when during his time as Prime Minister, it was the worst periods as quoted by both P. Ramasamy and Lim Kit Siang?

Can P. Ramasamy explain and elaborate on this. So P. Ramasamy who is desperate? 

9. Finally P. Ramasamy do allow me to repeat to you one of Lim Kit Siang’s recent quote with reference to his fondness to the traditional three monkeys with one modification at the end for your perusal 

“with eyes that see not, ears that hear not and mouth that speaks not’ about Tun Mahathir, the worst PM for Indians and the greatest enemy of Malaysia”. 

( Disclaimer :- Opinion on Tun Mahathir leadership was based on P. Ramasamy’s and Lim Kit Siang’s media and blog statements ) 

Thank You

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