KL CHRONICLE: @VellPaari : Quit being emotional and just answer my questions #Negaraku #Malaysia

Friday, September 29, 2017

@VellPaari : Quit being emotional and just answer my questions #Negaraku #Malaysia

*_Lim Kit Siang and P. Ramasamy must respond to my questions instead of getting emotional and personal_*

1. First of all, I would like to say thank you to DAP's Supreme Leader Lim Kit Siang and the Deputy Chief Minister II of Penang Prof. P. Ramasamy for taking some time off from their busy daily schedule to personally reply to my statement which was issued on 26th September 2017.  YB Lim Kit Siang for choosing to respond to me itself proved that what i said had touched the nerves of the top echelon of DAP until for the first time he decided to personally respond to me. I am truly honoured YB Lim Kit Siang. 

2. YB Lim Kit Siang in regards to your advice to me to seek answers from my father on the deeds of Tun Mahathir. I need not to do that, as one only has to google all your valuable statements and opinions on Tun Mahathir over this last 30 years is more then enough. Attached below are some:- 

In 2013, in your very own blog you had said:

 _Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is Malaysia’s single, greatest “enemy” bent on destroying the Bangsa Malaysia and Vision 2020 nation-building pillars he created during his 22 years in office_

In fact in the same blog post, you had called Dr. Mahathir Mahathir a liar and a racist. 

Source : https://blog.limkitsiang.com/2013/04/12/23-day-countdown-to-13ge-polling-day-dr-m-in-his-post-pm-decade-has-emerged-as-the-greatest-enemy-of-his-own-bangsa-malaysia-concept-in-vision-2020-and-the-single-greatest-threat-to-malaysia/

So YB Lim Kit Siang I need not ask my father about Tun Mahathir because you have beautifully described and informed us that Tun Mahathir is a liar, racist and the greatest enemy of Malaysia.  

3. Now as for Prof. P Ramasamy, as usual the DCM II of Penang purposely avoided answering my questions and failed to address the issues that I raised. But instead as usual goes on rumbling again and again like an old radio on how MIC is so called being "subservient" to UMNO in Barisan Nasional. 

4. Dear Prof Ramasamy the relationship between UMNO, MIC, MCA and the other members of BN is not a marriage of conveniences like PH. I am not a fence sitter in politics for I believe in my leader Datuk Seri Najib Razak. Why are you upset over that. In fact your supreme leader YB Lim Kit Siang had for over 2 decades labelled Tun Mahathir as corrupt, a liar, racist and greatest enemy of Malaysia. Yet today PH has seen it valuable to make him the " Top Dog of Pakatan" who at one time was your sworn enemy. 

This just go to show how unprincipled you guys are where you would do anything just to win the next GE. Yet you call MIC being "subservient". Well DAP is pathetic to say the least. 

5. Back to the issue at hand, will YB Lim Kit Siang and Prof. P. Ramasamy address the important questions that i had raised with respect to the well being of the Indian community in this country and *_what are Pakatan Harapan (PH)'s blueprint for the Indian community to address issues plaguing the community?_*

6. In my earlier statement, i had asked *_what has the opposition produced so far to counter the Malaysian Indian Blueprint (MIB) development plan and execution strategy of Barisan Nasional for the Indian community?_*. The question was very clear and very straight forward. 

The point is:

_a_: what plans has the opposition have for the Indian community and are they better than what BN has produced?

_b_: Where is the alternative PH Indian Blueprint to assist and address the issues faced by the Indian community in this country? 

The answer is nothing. 

7. In my statement, i had stated facts and figures to back up my claims that Yang Amat Berhormat (YAB) Prime Minister Datuk Seri Haji Najib Bin Tun Abdul Razak has provided so much for the Indian community while only being the Prime Minister for 8 years. The numbers are there for all to see. Unfortunately, both Lim Kit Siang and Prof. P. Ramasamy can't even provide any numbers and facts to prove to me and the Indian community what PH have done for the community, not even in Penang and Selangor. 

8. Not only that, both Lim Kit Siang and Prof. P. Ramasamy became emotional and attacked me personally when in fact what i wanted from them was a factual answer to a very straight forward question. There is no point attacking me personally as an attack on me will not close the issue that i have raised. I will never take the same route as how both Lim Kit Siang and Prof. P Ramasamy has taken to attack me.

Finally, I hope YB Lim Kit Siang and Prof Ramasamy will answer these questions that i have raised and not try to seek Tun Mahathir's help as always to reply on the issue at hand. 

Thank You.

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