Thursday, January 17, 2013

PART 5.2 : THE LIES, DISTORTION AND MISREPRESENTATIONS OF @rafiziramli #TolakPR #KL112 #listen @The_Mole

Continuation from Part 5.1

However, now that Rafizi has derailed the NFC project, everything has been grounded. This is a major dent to the social responsibility of political wannabes like Rafizi against the people of Gemas. Not only would there have been a beef production industry here but there would be the spill over effects of housing development, commerce and  trade. These have now been robbed from the people of Gemas as a result of the political motivations of the opposition.

At the point in time when the study was commissioned on NFC, the Export Quality Abattoir by the government was awaiting to be built. The government had called the tender. When built, the contract farmers would ensure that the beef production targets would meet the 40 per cent level desired by the government thus reducing the need to  import substantial beef as well as reduce the outflow of funds from our shores.

The study went on to underscore that each contract farmer would have drawn a net income of RM20,000 a  month or RM240,000 a year. For the contract farmers, this would have been a dream of their lifetime. But Rafizi was quick to undermine the NFC project. Hardly had it started, Rafizi riddled it down without the project  being given a reasonable gestation startup. Rafizi was expecting 330,000 heads of cattle almost immediately. NFC was only in its second year then. 

The study pointed, “The NFC project managed by NFCorp is currently at a  development and coordination stage. Like any other agricultural project, the NFC project requires time to prove its  performance and viability.”

On the whole, the beef industry in Malaysia today is an estimated RM2.00 billion annually. The players are primarily the beef cartels which import 80 per cent of our beef supplies until of course when NFCorp came into the  picture. Reducing the country’s imports by 20 per cent would mean the cartels are apt to lose RM400 million from  the market. This is a hefty sum that perhaps investigators should probe if there are links between the players and  the opposition to sabotage the government and country. 

The lies, distortions and misrepresentations on NFC and NFCorp by Rafizi are clear. Derailing a government national food security project is as it stands, tantamount to treason.

Previous article produced by KL Chronicle:


  1. Rakyat will not vote for crooks like pkrJanuary 17, 2013 at 9:59 AM

    Well, well, well what is new with rafizi. He fabricated and lied all the way into petronas with his first class engineering degree from Leeds even though he only got a low second class. He lied about him wanting to focus on ugama when he resignEd from selangor state economic development corp. He resigned because he was responsible for talam corp corruption and scandle. Rafizi and Anwar are 2 of a kind.

  2. I feel so bad for NFCorp. They work so hard to be a Bumiputra company just to help the country but yet being attack by one on them. A malay. How sad!

  3. The Real Trained AccountantJanuary 17, 2013 at 11:19 AM

    For a trained accountant, Rafizi does silly maths. Expecting 330,000 heads of cattle in the second year of an agricultural project that probably spans 30 years. Its like telling expressway concessionaires that they must recoup their billions in expenditure within 2 years. Or to tell Air Asia that their CAPEX for their fleet should be recovered within 2 years. Rafizi's facts and figures don't make sense and sensibility.

  4. Rome was not built in a day, How can rafizi expect NFCorp to make profit? Gila! it is in second year some more.. aduiyai...

  5. Accountant. TRUE! He proudly calls himself an accountant. But fails to count. Fails to understand BAFIA. Only knows how to lie about numbers. TALAM is a very good case. I am still surprise why no one is even questioning it. Rafizi left right after Pua Jr expose the scandal. And what puzzle fits. Why? Becase that rafizi is the CEO of the Selangor Economy Office.


    Rafizi will pay for what he did to all the innocent ppl. Datuk Salleh, banyak kan bersabar. Johari Mohamad the scape goat? Shahrizat's family, please be strong. AND Malaysian, please do not trust RAFIZI!

    I have been following the KL Chronicle's post since part 1. Rafizi event tweeted about it? He panicked? I dunno. But all the facts now seems right. I can't believe that the innocent looking gay, opsss, typo, guy has been lying to us all this while?

    Accountant la konon!

  7. Can someone please clarify for me, why isn't the authority taking any action towards rafizi? credits have to be given to bank negara for charging him under bafia. but what about the other lies? osa maybe?
