Thursday, January 17, 2013

A RESPONSE TO THE MALAYSIAN INSIDER NEWS STORY "Ex-NRD man says ordered by Megat Junid to let immigrants vote"

The Malaysian Insider yesterday reported that  a former National Registration Department (NRD) official had accused the late Tan Sri Megat Junid Megat Ayub of ordering him to issue NRD receipts enabling illegal immigrants in Sabah to vote in the 1994 state election.

Former Sabah NRD director Ramli Kamarudin said Megat Junid, then the deputy home affairs minister, had told him that the NRD receipts were to match the names and IC numbers of registered voters.

“We gave them (immigrants) RM20,” Ramli told the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants here today.

“We teach them how to vote. We gather them in a house. We send them by bus to the polling stations. Then we send them back and we collect the receipts. The receipts are just for voting. We did not give them identity cards,” he added.

Ramli said that about 200 NRD receipts were issued in five or six state constituencies each in Sabah that were considered “black spots that were difficult for the government to win.”

“One area maybe 400,” he said.

However, we at the KL Chronicle are skeptical with the statement by Ramli kamarudin. First of all, it is very convenient in accusing a dead Deputy Home Minister of giving instructions on an allegation that he can't defend himself. 

Secondly, any instruction from Kuala Lumpur must be accompanied by a circular letter to the Sabah NRD, or was it a verbal instruction? This was never specified by Ramli Kamaruddin. 

Thirdly, is it sufficient to just believe what Ramli Kamaruddin said? when his statement clearly contradicts with what was said by Tan Sri Harris Salleh, where he denied the existence of this so called "Project IC".  

Its the rakyat's call to believe which ever party, come yourself to see Kota Kinabalu and evaluate all the statements made by the opposition leaders. 

Kepada ALLAH S.W.T kami berserah



  2. Terbaekkkk.....teruskan pembongkaran tuan.

    Mohon di link kan blog baru belajar ini :

