Saturday, May 23, 2015

@LiowTiongLai Maintains Auditor-General To Audit #KLIA2 Project

#KLChronicle says : The issue of #KLIA2 is well documented. The project was delayed and had exceeded its initial budget due to various additional scope of works and requirements by certain parties such as AirAsia. Most people know this as the information is abundantly available in print and online media.

In fact, we had also written something with regards to MAHB & KLIA2 previously which can be found here My Reply To The Malaysian Insider @tm_insider On Its Mischievous Article Related To KLIA2 Cc @Jahabarsadiq - See more at: . Now, we at #KLChronicle have no problems for the Auditor-General to audit #KLIA2 and we believe even MAHB want's this issue to be resolved as soon as possible. 

However, the question mark that should be asked is, will action be taken against companies like AirAsia? Where the cost escalation was partly caused by them demanding ridiculous items such as a Muzium and Spa  Wow! @Airasia Wanted A Museum & A Spa for KLIA2 ?

We agree with Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai and hope that this issued is resolved once and for all. What say you?


I have from the onset backed the Public Accounts Committee’s (PAC) call for the Auditor-General (AG) to conduct further investigations into the management of the construction and development of klia2. I agree that the Malaysian public have the right to demand answers on this matter. 

Towards this end, seeing that Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad is a listed entity, Cabinet needed to approve the involvement of the AG to conduct the audit.

The Ministry of Transport fully supported the move to audit klia2 in Cabinet, which has granted approval. The AG will be requested to undertake the task. 

Hence, I am baffled by the malicious and twisted comments from YB Tony Pua pertaining to klia2.

I also do not dispute that additional costs were incurred. But these costs were the result of the scope and requirements in facilities and size which were reviewed and extended given additional needs of key stakeholders.

 Furthermore, it is and has always been the responsibility of MAHB as owner and manager of klia2 to engage with the PAC and respond in a transparent manner. 

MAHB must take the necessary action to shed light on the findings of the PAC and I expect them to resolve this as quickly as possible.

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