Sunday, July 20, 2014

Railway Information for Kuala Lumpur Commuters

KL Sentral is the main connectivity hub
Most of Kuala Lumpur young and urban citizens travel to work by public transport. Like it or not, the cost of traveling by car to the office is much higher compared to taking a public transport. Now, to assist KLites on managing your travels more efficiently i would like to share with you the Klang Valley Rail Transit map. 

As per the image below, it can be observed that we have an integrated railway system in the Klang Valley to cater for the ever increasing commuters that are/will be using this service. In total, the Klang Valley rail system has one (1) major hub i.e. KL Sentral which is the meeting point of the KTM Commuter Service, KTM Intercity Train, Monorail, and LRT. These four services covers most of Kuala Lumpur. 

Source :
Furthermore, with the new LRT extension line and the MRT line that will be completed in a few years time, i believe the government under its various agencies such as SPAD and operators such as Prasarana will be able to provide safe, efficient and world class services to the public at a reasonable price. Compared to other countries in South East Asia, or even Asia, Malaysia will have a world class railway facility to cater for approximately 10 million passengers (No. of people in KL). 

Let's hope that with this improvement, the government intention of having more people using public transport in the country increases thus reducing the traffic jams around the city. With this, even the public's quality of life will improve further as they will have more time to spent with their families. 

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