Sunday, July 20, 2014

#MH17 crash: Pressure grows on Russia over crash inquiry

A pro-Russian separatist stands at the crash site of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17, near Grabove in eastern Ukraine, 19 July 2014

Western countries have demanded that Russia put pressure on Ukrainian rebels to allow unhindered access to the site of Thursday's Malaysia Airlines crash.

Dutch PM Mark Rutte said he had told Russian President Vladimir Putin that time was "running out" to show he could help. Most crash victims were Dutch.

The US and Britain also told Russia full access to the area was needed.

International observers have had their movements restricted by pro-Russia militiamen who control the crash site.

Both Ukraine and the pro-Russian rebels have accused each other of shooting down the Boeing 777, which was flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur.

Flight MH17 was reportedly hit by a missile over a rebel-held area in Donetsk region on Thursday. All 298 people on board died.

'Time running out'

The passenger list released by Malaysia Airlines shows the plane was carrying 193 Dutch nationals (including one with dual US nationality), 43 Malaysians (including 15 crew), 27 Australians, 12 Indonesians and 10 Britons (including one with dual South African nationality), four Germans, four Belgians, three from the Philippines, and one each from Canada and New Zealand.

A local resident stands among the wreckage at the site of the crash of a Malaysia Airlines plane carrying 298 people from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur in Grabove, in rebel-held east Ukraine, on July 19, 2014
Local residents have been allowed to wander around the wreckage of the plane

Rescue workers carry the body of one of the victims. Photo: 19 July 2014

The UN Security Council has called for a full and independent international investigation into the crash

OSCE monitors (right) and a pro-Russian gunman at the crash site. Photo: 19 July 2014
OSCE monitors say pro-Russian gunmen allowed them to visit more of the area on Saturday
Ukraine has accused militiamen at the site of the Malaysia Airlines crash of trying to destroy evidence of an "international crime".
In a news conference on Saturday, Mr Rutte said he had had an "intense" phone call with Mr Putin.
"I told him 'Time is running out for you to show the world that you have good intentions','' Mr Rutte said.
He added that Dutch people were "furious" at pictures of bodies being carried across the open country, and called on the Russian president "to show that he will do what is expected of him and will exert his influence".
The BBC's Richard Galpin at the site says he saw bodies being removed by emergency workers, but it was not clear where they were being taken, or whether the workers were loyal to the rebels or the Kiev government.

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