Friday, June 27, 2014

The Gemas-Gua Musang Railway Track Issue

train station in Gua Musang
Gua Musang Station
On the 19th of June 2014, i had written an article []  highlighting my concerns on the Safety of KTMB Railway Line from Gemas to Gua Musang. As we are aware, The East Cost line was opened on the 5th of September 1931, which up till today has been in operation for a whopping 83 years. Due to this, it is inevitable that there will be security issues arising from this line as it has exceeded its design life. 

Comments by Railway Union 

On the 24th of June 2014, i had written an article []  blasting the Railway Union for getting their priorities wrong. This was triggered when the union posted an online status on Facebook defending their chairman and hitting out at the Public Land Transport Commission for instructing KTMB to stop its operation from Gemas - Gua Musang due to safety concerns. 

Due to the two (2) articles above and proactive action by SPAD i.e. SPAD conducted an inspection at the Gemas-Gua Musang line on the 21 - 22 June 2014, i am able to share with the readers the extend of damaged that was observed at the Gemas - Gua Musang line. The damages can be seen below:

Damage of Gemas-Gua Musang railway track

Damage of Gemas-Gua Musang railway track

Damage of Gemas - Gua Musang railway track

Taking into consideration the safety of passengers and the impact it will have on KTMB if the track is closed immediately, SPAD had managed to ensure a win-win situation for all parties by:

1. Negotiating with KTMB to operate in a safe manner until 15 August 2014. After 15 August, the track will be closed and repaired. 

2. In order for the repair works to be done immediately after 15 August, SPAD has also managed to obtain RM 400 million in funding from the Federal Government for this purpose. The funding will be channeled to KTMB for their immediate use.

Malaysia's East Cost Railway Map and damage location
Personally, the collaboration that is shown between SPAD and KTMB is great. It shows that government agencies (Commissions) and GLCs can work hand - in - hand to ensure the comfort and safety of passengers or rakyat is well taken care off. This will in turn create a positive perception of the rakyat towards the government and in the long run this will greatly benefit the government of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak. 

[Note : An offshore platform, in harsh conditions is designed for operation only 30 years]

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