KL CHRONICLE: @limkitsiang is Again Talking Rubbish About #MH370 and He Shall Apologize To All Malaysians !

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

@limkitsiang is Again Talking Rubbish About #MH370 and He Shall Apologize To All Malaysians !

It just makes me angry reading Lim Kit Siang STUPID arguments today in parliament where he wants Prime Minister Datuk Seri Haji Najib Tun Razak to apologize for "misleading" the public by tabling a motion of sympathy for the families the day after making the announcement that flight MH370 last known position was in the Indian Ocean. 

The question is, does Lim Kit Siang understand what a motion of sympathy is? Sympathy is defined as: 

the act or capacity of entering into or sharing the feelings or interests of another

SOURCE : http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sympathy

However, this half past six old man says that the tabling of a motion of sympathy is "implying that there were no survivors" on MH370 which, in my opinion Lim Kit Siang is fucking WRONG. The government has never said MH370 had crashed. There is no video evidence whatsoever to back his (Kit Siang's) claims up.  

The tabling of a motion of sympathy is to be in solidarity with the families involved, to express our (The Government's) sorrow due to this incident and also to unite all members of the rakyat together in this very challenging time for our country. 

You can read the full article about this issue in Pro-Opposition Portal The Malaysian Insider [HERE]

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