Wednesday, March 12, 2014

#PRKKajang : The "Raping" of Democracy by @drwanazizah @anwaribrahim & @rafiziramli #KLChronicle

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The Kajang by election was caused by PKR. This is a fact that cannot be discounted or denied and this was confirmed by Rafizi Ramli, PKR's chief strategist. My question is what benefit does the rakyat gain from this by election? The answer is none! In fact the Rakyat is on the losing side in this by election and why should we be? We are paying from our pockets for this by election just because PKR have internal problems between Azmin Ali and Khalid Ibrahim. 

Now, since we have this by election to content with, let's have a look at the candidates. However, before that, i would like to talk about Anwar Ibrahim and Rafizi Ramli. On the 29th of January 2014, there was an interview by Rafizi Ramli with regards to the Kajang by election. Some excerpts of the interview is as below:

Model state as a launchpad for Putrajaya

"We need radical approach to solving the traffic woes, the pace of affordable public housing has to pick up. There is a need for more rigorous forward planning of water resources in Selangor and some hard decisions have to be made soon. We have to vigorously protect the rights of the minorities who are the targets of Umno’s political game.
As an MP, I certainly believe we can do better especially with regards to cleanliness and livelihood of the people. We have the potential to be a model state with least potholes in densely populated areas.
In other words, Selangor has to be doubly better than what it is today if it were to become a showcase for Pakatan in its quest for Putrajaya. Just as Istanbul was a launchpad for Erdogan and Jakarta is a launchpad for Jokowi, Selangor can be a great launchpad for Pakatan to take over Putrajaya"
Look at the statement above by Rafizi Ramli. Now i would like to ask the Rakyat can Wan Azizah solve the following problems that was highlighted by Rafizi? It makes no sense to appoint Wan Azizah as an ADUN when she has never help solved any problem in Permatang Pauh. The best part is the problems are all in Selangor and Selangor is under  Pakatan Rakyat. Pakatan Rakyat can't even solve problems in its own state and it has to bring in Wan Azizah to help them. 
Anyway, rather than going on with Wan Azizah, let me give you 10 reasons why you should
1.  She is a proxy of her husband, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim
2. Entered politics not to serve the rakyat, but to protect the legacy of her husband
3. Exploits people sympathy to get votes.
4. Her leadership credentials have been questioned many times by PKR members
5. Vocal in questioning Malay rights and privileges  
6. Contesting in Kajang on request by her husband
7. Failed in her previous stint as a Member of Parliament in Permatang Pauh
8. Always lie to the public to obtain votes
9. Support nepotism and cronyism
10. Not Rasional and always emotional.  

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