Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Why is @teresakok So Interested In Defending Gangsters & Secret Societies ? #KLChronicle

I read with utter disgust the statement from Teresa Kok, quote below:

"The police have said that the PCA amendments are targeted at gangsters and secret societies. But have they bothered to stop and look at themselves in the mirror? What about the weaknesses in the police force?" Kok said.

Why is a Member of Parliament is so staunchly defending gangsters and secret society? Does this MP has no respect for the rakyat and concern for the Rakyat's safety? The PCA was tabled by the Government to sort out the mess and reduce the high rate of crimes in the country. 

I am sure in any organization there are weaknesses and the IGP has mentioned many-many times that he is looking to improve the Police force. Rather than attacking the police force Teresa Kok shall provide valuable input and recommendation on how the police can improve. 

Tak payah nak hina sangat anggota Polis, mereka pun manusia juga

On another note, the lost of 44 firearms is a cause of concern. I agree on that as these firearms might be used in various crimes. However, let the police investigate this and conduct any internal inquires that they deem fit. 

Yang Teresa Kok nak sibuk-sibuk kenapa?

IF, and this is a BIG IF, no action is taken by the Police then Yes we can make noise and criticize them. But now 

makcik ni apa pun x tau dah mula bising macam dia pula IGP/Menteri KDN

Sekali lagi saya pun pelik kenapa Teresa Kok suka sangat back up gangster & samseng..wallahualam.,

1 comment:

  1. Another way to reset The Cock's question:
    "why is the the cock's father was so weak in pressing the mother cock to produce a girl cock?"
    Unravel that.
