KL CHRONICLE: What Nonsense, Now @KhalidSamad Questions Barisan Nasional Intention To Help The Muslim's and Bumiputera of Sabah & Sarawak

Monday, June 10, 2013

What Nonsense, Now @KhalidSamad Questions Barisan Nasional Intention To Help The Muslim's and Bumiputera of Sabah & Sarawak

I was on the way to office reading this piece of crap from Khalid Samad. The article can be found here in The Malaysian Insider . These bugger statement is so skewed. His statement that the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition is coercing voters to support the government by punishing opposition backers through selective aid is stupid, and at best moronic. Does he take the rakyat to be stupid people that are easily coerced by the government?

Look at the Chinese, how smart they are. They come to BN functions, eat, drink, enjoy the entertainment and if we were to believe Malaysiakini took money from BN but then voted opposition especially DAP in the past GE. See, giving aid to particular groups that support the government do not translate into votes. 
Why is he blasting the Deputy Prime Minister if the DPM had stated that the government is going to help the Bumiputera of Sabah & Sarawak plus the Muslim Malay's?  If i am not mistaken, PR has been barking all along that Sabah and Sarawak are less developed, deprived of "basis needs" and what not but now when the government wants to increase hep to this areas you are crying foul?
Don't be a pussy and the government has NEVER neglected the Chinese. Heck look at all development in this country, even if you want to built a bloody house, cement are controlled by the Chinese, bricks as well, even lighting and what not. Please tell me what is not controlled by Chinese in the country? The opportunity given by the government to the Chinese (opportunity to do business, own land, property, stocks etc) is a clear statement that they have never been oppressed. Can you tell me have you seen any Malaysian Chinese becomes a sweeper, garbage collector etc in this country? If no i rest my case. 

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