Sunday, January 6, 2013

PART 4.3 : THE LIES, DISTORTION AND MISREPRESENTATIONS OF @rafiziramli #1Malaysia #TolakFitnah #TolakPR @The_Mole

It would also interest readers to note that the Sale and Purchase Agreements (SPA) for the eight units signed between Salleh and KL Eco City Sdn Bhd were dated 15 December 2011 (see pics). 

For those of us who have ever borrowed from a bank to finance the purchase of property, you and I would know that banks would not disburse a loan unless and until full documentation is in place. Banks would require among others, an original copy of the Sale and Purchase Agreement of the property purchase. The SPA in this instance was dated 15 December 2011. Thus, Rafizi’s claims that Salleh had defaulted on loans as far back as March 2011 is false and a big fat lie. Whichever way one looks, there would never or ever be eight loans dispensed by PBB for the KL Eco City office properties before 15 December 2011.


If this is what a trained accountant does, Rafizi’s accounting credibility is questionable. The MIA By-Laws state among others,

“A professional accountant in public practice shall not knowingly engage in any business, occupation or activity that impairs or might impair integrity, objectivity or the good reputation of the profession and as a result would be incompatible with the fundamental principles.”

To be continued tomorrow at 9.00 am for more damning revelation of the lies, distortion and misrepresentation of @rafiziramli .

kepada ALLAH SWT kami berserah

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  1. Rafizi's facts and figures on the face of all the overwhelming evidence presented here, shows how he has twisted and plotted and schemed. It's incredible what this drama persona Rafizi will do. Salleh should sue him to the pits for the all the lies, distortions and misrepresentations.

  2. Why would Rafizi go to such length with his lies, distortions and misrepresentations? He is so cool about it that one should check if he is really some sick demented serial liar inside. We have seen enough movies to see how liars work. Rafizi wins the Golden Globe awards hands down.

  3. Those working closely with Rafizi know of his motives. He is in the same boat with the rest. A compulsive liar can't help what they say, but know they are wrong about lying and are either in denial or refuse counseling for their problem. Rafizi needs to come clean on the NFC saga. Why the lies?
