Sunday, December 30, 2012


@RafiziRamli a liar and manipulator of the highest order!

The third in a series, the Kuala Lumpur Chronicle in collaboration with anonymous informants and party members from Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) had exposed the truth of the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) so called "scandal". The article was first published here on the 19th of December 2012 and the second article was published on the 24th December 2012. To read the articles please click the link here and here. 

To fulfill our promise to our readers, we would continue by exposing more of the lies, distortion and misrepresentation of Rafizi Ramli tomorrow morning. However, below is a brief introduction to what we will be exposing tomorrow:

PKR Strategy Director Rafizi Ramli appears to have hidden a lot of truth from Malaysians. He has also thrown in a lot of lies for free. In this edition, KL Chronicle will show a blowby- blow account on how he manipulates facts with falsehoods. How he dramatizes his statements to rile the public. And how he fabricates the numbers to sensationalise and defame. For a trained accountant, he has brought much doubt to his qualification with his juggling. 

Blogger journo Fabiani Azmi presents concrete evidence to debunk Rafizi’s claim that NFCorp was given 5,000 acres of free land in Gemas. He also debunks Rafizi’s claim of 330,000 heads of cattle for 2009. He also debunks claims that there was timber profiting. Fabiani also exposes the lie that NFCorp beef was exported to restaurants in Singapore.

The Almighty forbids mankind to indulge in lies, falsehoods and manipulation of the truth. He says it clearly here,

“And do not mix up the truth with the falsehood,
nor hide the truth while you know it.”
Surah Al Baqarah - Verse 42

The full expose will be uploaded on Monday, 31st December 2012 at 9.00 am. Stay tuned!

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