Sunday, December 23, 2012


The second in a series, the Kuala Lumpur Chronicle in collaboration with anonymous informants and party members from Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) had exposed the truth of the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) so called "scandal". The article was first published here on the 19th of December 2012. To read the article please click the link here

To fulfill our promise to our readers, we would continue by exposing more of the lies, distortion and misrepresentation of Rafizi Ramli next week. This second article we will write in detail and in depth on the auditor general report and upload a letter send by Auditor General Tan Sri Amrin Buang to NFCorp in explaining to NFCorp that he had NEVER called their project "in a mess" as per what was claimed by Rafizi. 

Wait for the full exposure
Rafizi had many times called BN bloggers as liars but the truth is, we want our readers to see for themselves, the opposition's multitude of fabrications regarding NFCorp just for their political agenda. 

To ensure that there is credibility to our story, we will also enclose visuals of the sighted documents related to the NFCorp & letters from Tan Sri Amrin Buang to debunk claims from Rafizi Ramli. We cant say what it is now, but Monday we will release the letter to the public. 

The expose & letter will be uploaded on Monday, 24 December 2012 at 9.00 am. Stay tuned!

Related articles :

1. Lies by Rafizi Ramli (English)

1 comment:

  1. Tik tok tik tok tik tok...

    Another 7hours to go..

    Copek la maso berjalan.. Den tak sabar nak nengok nye..
