Thursday, May 17, 2012

@cmlimguaneng IS THE MALAY'S IN DAP ONLY WORTH RM 50,000?

Hat's off for Tunku Abdul Aziz for making the right decision to abandon DAP's 'stinking' ship.

Tunku Abdul Aziz is known to be a man of dignity, wise and has a very strong principal. Sad to say, that not many leaders share the same traits, what more the ordinary Malaysians. It seems like today, money can really buy anything and anybody, but Tunku Aziz had proved it wrong.

Because of his unquestionable reputation, we found it hard to comprehend the fact that Tunku Aziz had actually fell for DAP's theatrical piece of competency, accountability and transparency.

Maybe it's true that that a wise man may not stumble easily but often fell directly into the big black hole. Wise men don't make many mistakes, but the very few mistakes they made are usually very big.

Take Tun Dr. Mahathir for example, he has done so much and so many right things for the country, the world, the Moslems and all but a couple of wrongs, that is choosing Anwar and then Pak Lah, is enough to jeopardize all the rights.

Tunku Aziz's resignation is not just a matter of one man and his wrong move in politics. It actually provides an opportunity for all Malaysians to have a clear insight of DAP's culture and leadership.

DAP may call themselves Democratic Action Party but in the real sense, it should be called Dictatorial Action Party. It has been labeled as chauvinist, racist, arrogant, insensitive even communist by its enemies and the Malays but DAP has been denying all allegations claiming to be just, fair, open and equal to all.

Still, it isn't hard to that the label stamped on their heads are all are true. DAP has made it clear that they oppose anything that spells or smells Malay. They opposed the 'jawi' writings on the street-signs, they refused to wear ceremony attire in the Dewan Rakyat, they fought all their might for a girl tortured under police custody because she was taught to be a Chinese but went absolutely silent when found that she was actually a Malay.

DAP is the one making noise about Muslims' morning prayer call, and not once but time and again has shown disrespect and even challenged the Malay rulers as if not acknowledging them as the power that be, for all Malaysians. DAP has also been very persistent and consistent in wanting to ensure permanent separation of all races in schools.

If these are not the act of a chauvinist, racist and arrogance, then what is?

For Tunku Aziz to have seen otherwise in DAP before is a question that only he can answer. However, what is important is that his resignation has only made things even more vivid, like an already confirmed fingerprint being supported by a DNA match. It is official now that DAP is not as clean, not as transparent, not accountable, not competent, unfair and unjust and not as open-minded as they say they are. DAP is a lot worse than UMNO or BN.

Tunku Aziz had joined DAP with a dream to fight corruption, to create a balance in Malaysia's administration and to promote integrity. But this is what he had to say after swimming in the same pond with DAP for four years, "I think I was a little naive in thinking that the ideals that I had would be in fact the ideals that DAP actually practised."

Well, what can I say, even the wisest man are just human after all. They too, can be very naïve in sometimes.

He also added, "There are good people within DAP who want to see that we do things in an ethical manner, but there are others who you know will just go ahead in breaking their own rules. If you do this, sooner or later people are going to ask, can these people really be trusted with a bigger job?"

Of course, BN may not be squeaky clean and there are good and bad people in BN too. But BN has proven to be competent, accountable and transparent enough to have been able to bring this country to where it is today. We all know that Malaysia wouldn't be as peaceful or as prosperous should BN is as corrupt as claimed by DAP.

We see how BN leaders accept criticism not just by the people but by their fellow friends in the party. BN never cover-up the wrongdoings of its leaders or we wouldn't have to deal with Anwar on the streets, or see the sight of Shahrizat at her worst mood swing or Khir Toyo giving up his Datukship. There were also Chua Soi Lek and Rahim Thamby Chik and the list goes on. No, BN never said they were right or innocent. If they are wrong, they are wrong and they will have to pay for it.

DAP, however do not practice the same integrity despite their cry for a clean government. DAP wouldn't think twice to shut their critics up. We would never forget how Teoh Beng Hock had to die in order to save DAP in a corruption case.

In an interview with the Star newspaper today, Tunku Abdul Aziz exposed the inappropriate practices in DAP's administration which for him is a clear case of unethical and a clear show lack of integrity of the party. He even exposed how DAP practice double standard with illegal hawkers whereby DAP supporters would not be touched.

And so, it is concluded that BERSIH going against the law is just one of the factors for him to be uncomfortable with DAP, besides the realization that the party has never walk-the-talk about integrity. But the final blow came when Guan Eng offered him a position with a generous token of RM50,000.

Therefore, the heart of this issue is not so much about not having the right to differ but because Tunku Aziz has finally able to accept the fact that, DAP is nothing but a bunch of corrupt people with the idea that he too, is as corrupt as they are. The insult is just too much that he feels that as long as he stays in DAP, he could never feel clean, and so, resignation is the only way to redeem his sense of integrity.

Guan Eng may try to undone the damage, but he is a little too late. The rakyat now know how Guan Eng tried to bribe Tunku Aziz after he had arrogantly whacked the old man and ignored his email. And that's just the Guan Eng that we know - an undoubted dictator, a born chauvinist and a hard-core racist.

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