Monday, April 23, 2012


This is the second part of what i wrote in November 2009. Worth a read. 

The first part can be read here 

What UMNO has to do to win the next General Election - Part 2
5. Enhance spirit of loving the party

UMNO has to start re-educating party members to love the party. Not like PAS who have to do agreements or bai'ah just to ensure that their party members do not quit the party. I do now wish to dwell much into other political parties, but for UMNO re-educating party members is a key essence to instill a sense of ownership of the party. UMNO has to be a party for all members, not for a certain few. By having this, they will work smarter and harder to ensure the victory of UMNO in the next GE.

6. Volunteerism

Based on what the PM had to say during the UMNO General Assembly, UMNO has to start getting down to the community and organize a lot of voluntary work that benefits the people. It doesn't matter if it’s in the opposition constituency, as long it benefits the people it should be carried out. Furthermore, UMNO has a lot of doctors, lawyers and accountants in its rank, these professionals can provide free consultancy/advice to the people. This will greatly benefit the lower income group and in the end it will benefit UMNO as well. It’s a win-win situation for both parties.

7. Consistency

UMNO has to be consistent in its struggle. If it propagates something, it should not change it to suit the crowds. Just like the opposition, promise to the Malay something. Go to the Chinese and promise something else. Therefore UMNO has to be consistent in its ideology. Now the PM has propagate the 1Malaysia concept, therefore all party members have to be on the same wavelength with the PM. This will show that the PM is getting support from his party members. If UMNO does not support the PM, he will look weak in the eyes of the people and this will not be good for UMNO and Barisan Nasional (BN).

8. Eliminate Internal Friction

Internal friction between party members can component parties should be eliminated or reduce once for all. The call by a certain UMNO MP for the MCA and Gerakan president to quit their post is uncalled for. This should not be done in public. Perception is always important in the eyes of the people. This is what the opposition had did in the last GE, paint the Government as being corrupt, carry out personnel attacks on leaders , and promise the heaven to the people. Although some of the allegations were baseless, it was able to sway the votes to the opposition nevertheless. Therefore UMNO and BN have to be strong and united to prepare for the onslaught by the opposition in the next GE.

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