Sunday, April 22, 2012


This is what I wrote in November 2009, which I think is worth a read. Thank you. 

What UMNO has to do to win the next General Election - Part 1

1. Candidate
To win the next GE, UMNO has to nominate candidates that are popular with the grassroots. This is important so that there would not be any sabotage of candidates during the election. This has happened before in the 12th GE and hopefully it will not occur again. It shows that a popular leader, supported by his division is the best bet to win any seat that is contested. i.e the victory of Tan Sri Isa Samad in Bagan Pinang.  

2. Online Election Machinery

It is just not enough by having posters of leaders around the town and conducting 'ceramah'. UMNO has to be able to mobilize its troops on the streets and also online. It is widely expected that the next GE will be a highly contested election where the battle will not only be on the streets but also online. UMNO has to get its Unit Media Baru (UMB) prepared to counter all allegations that are made by the opposition fast and in a timely manner. Any delays in responding to the opposition allegations would not be good for UMNO because it will be as if we are just finding an excuse for a cover up.  

3. Websites and Blogs 

As of today, UMNO still has not been able to produce credible blogs that are widely read by the people. Some leaders of UMNO has taken the lead in having their facebook accounts up and running. That is a good start. The next stage is to have blogs that supports the government and propagate the government massages to the masses. Malaysia Today, Malaysian Insider and Malaysiakini are all significant sites that are able to attract a lot of readers. UMNO has to be able to produce this kind of news portal in order to spread its information and attract the younger generation to join the party.

4. Registration of New Members/Voters 

With the increasing number of new voters every year. UMNO has to take the lead and start registering its members to be a voter. Every vote counts in the next GE. UMNO must also attract young professionals to its fold so that it can deny the perception that most urban residents/professionals reject the ideology of a race based party like UMNO. As long as UMNO is able to attract new members and register them as new voters, UMNO will be able to increase its voter base in the next GE.

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