Friday, March 16, 2012


Underperforming and controversial Batu MP Tian Chua has kept an elegant silence for the past 24 hours. This is most shocking coming from an outspoken MP.

Money Money Money
The allegation by RPK that prominent and influential personalities in PKR wanted kickbacks to award a project to the tune of USD 10 Million is a serious allegation and the rakyat should know the truth.

Why has there been no statement from the MB office?
It has to be noted that after the allegation by Rafizi Ramli regarding the engagement of our Prime Minister, the Prime Minister Office (PMO) came out with a statement denying all allegations in less than 2 hours. So what is taking Khalid Ibrahim, William. Leong and Tian Chua to deny this allegation? It has been almost 24 hours!

However just a mere denial by this three (3) stooges is not enough. They have to also explain why Azam and Azan Sdn Bhd (AASB) project could not proceed after 2008? Is it because the company is incompetent or because they did not agree to feed PKR fat cats ?

In light of the following allegations. I am sure PKR might start taking legal action against RPK or any blogger for that matter for defamation. Well, just hopefully the award for legal cases by the Selangor government does not goes to crony companies and lawyers as previously. Open up the opportunities to other law firms to receive jobs la PKR.

Well Anwar Ibrahim, since you are the Economic Advisor of Selangor what's your comment? I could not ask you on twitter since i've been blocked you. 

Berkhidmat utk rakyat, dan kepada ALLAH swt kami berserah.


Note:  I am comfortable with anybody who copy this article. As my main intention of bloging in the public domain is to disseminate information to the public. Furthermore If you do not want to link it back to my blog its also ok. Thanks

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