Saturday, March 17, 2012


Raja Petra Kamarudin has been removed from participating in a forum on global political scenario following a request made by Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim.

Why can't your critics be given a chance?
Reading the article in Free Malaysia Today. I could not but laugh at Anwar Ibrahim for being such a childish opposition leader. After being humiliated by Khairy Jamaluddin , the UMNO Youth Chief in Parliament three (3) days ago, the opposition leader looks like he has not been his usual self. 

RPK was removed from the forum on Anwar Ibrahim's instruction
The forum which is scheduled to take place in England has now been confirmed to only include Anwar Ibrahim and Julian Assange. It is also baffling to note that Wikilieaks models itself as a source of independent news media, and freedom of speech and expression is one of its core beliefs.  My question is, why is Anwar Ibrahim, a person who DOES NOT BELIEVE IN FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND EXPRESSION is allowed to be part of this forum?

It is an insult to Wikileaks and Assange to invite Anwar Ibrahim. The best part of this news is, Malaysian Insider and Malaysiakini seems to be keeping quiet. Why is that so? Lim Guan Eng has imitated many times that his party believe in freedom of information, freedom of this and that, could it pressure Anwar Ibrahim to invite RPK? I don;t think so. The myth that the opposition pact is run together as part of a consensus is also a blatant lie. It is run, and solely run by the whims and fancy of Anwar Ibrahim. 

A few questions should be raised with regards to the attitude of our opposition leader. They are: 

UMNO Youth Chief, KJ
1. Why is Anwar so afraid to share the same forum with RPK?
2. Anwar wants to debate the PM, but he can't even handle RPK and KJ?
3. Does Anwar really believe in free speech, if so why is he silencing his critics?
4. Anwar talks about free speech, why can't the people against him be given that freedom?
5. He lectures around the world about freedom of expression and what not, why can't he practice it at home? 

I can't wait for the comments from PR cyber troopers regarding this article. Anway, Anwar has not provided any comments regarding this issue. Typical of the opposition leader, when anything goes against him, just bugger off somewhere or keep quiet and blame UMNO for everything. 

Berkhidmat utk rakyat, dan kepada ALLAH swt kami berserah.


Note:  I am comfortable with anybody who copy this article. As my main intention of bloging in the public domain is to disseminate information to the public. Furthermore If you do not want to link it back to my blog its also ok. Thanks

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