Thursday, August 9, 2018

DAP Finance Minister does not know the difference between consolidated fund & GST refund account?

Our Finance Minister recently made an allegation that BN "stole" the GST refund money. As with most of his statements, Guan Eng is again taking advantage of the people's lack of knowledge of how government finances work in order to make a completely false political attack.

Guan Eng's main reason why he said BN "stole" GST refund money is that all GST money was paid to the government consolidate funds and not in the GST refunds trust account.

The GST bill which later became the GST act, was tabled in parliament where Guan Eng was also present The Act clearly  explains how GST collections is treated.

As with any tax revenue of any kind, GST collections are paid to the government's consolidated funds. Based on the advice of Customs, a budgeted amount for GST refunds are then allocated to a trust account.

This is the same mechanism used by other countries which has implemented a GST system including Singapore. Singapore's GST act Section II Administration, clause 5 states:

"5.—(1)  The Comptroller shall be responsible generally for the carrying out of the provisions of this Act and for the collection of tax and shall pay all amounts collected in respect thereof into the Consolidated Fund."

The Singapore government also puts their GST collections in their consolidated fund exactly like what Malaysia's government does. Does it also mean Singapore's PAP also "stole" GST refund money?

For Guan Eng's statement that "BN stole the GST refunds money" would mean that no company out of the hundreds of thousands in Malaysia would have received their GST refund.

Would it make sense that after 3 years, not a single one of these hundreds of thousands of company has come out in public that BN "stole" their GST refund and they have never gotten back their refund money?

Yes, there were instances where the government was late in paying GST refunds especially when the GST system was first implemented. But such delays were slowly improved as people got familiar with how the GST system works.

Most delays are mostly due to incomplete documentation from those applying for the refund. In most cases anyway, refunds are also "netted off" or "offset" against the GST payable by the companies too.

Be careful of what our Finance Minister says. All his statements are not 100% reliable or the truth as his main skill-set is to throw accusations and play political games.

Recently he and his assistant Tony Pua were publicly called a malicious liar in a world-side statement by a China state-owned company which is part of the 4th largest company in the world when Guan Eng implied that this company along with the EXIM bank of China had colluded with the BN government to engange in theft and money laundering over two pipeline projects.

Until now, Guan Eng and Tony Pua have dared not rebut or comment on this China state-owned company's calling them malicious liars.

A former government servant familiar with the GST system


  1. Kalau Mintri Kewangan pun tak tau beza apa tah lagi macai tomatokunyit

    merecik bodoh nya...!!

    haaa tepuk.. tepuk...!!

  2. DAP bodoh atau pura2 bodoh
    golongan ini tak boleh percaya apa2pun yg keluar dari mulut diaorg

    1. Pura pura berlagak bodoh nak perdaya rakyat yg tak tau hanya percaya citer fitnah..

  3. Kaum dap ni..banyak org dulu2 habaq..telunjuk lurus kelingking berkait..termasuk kaum pariah dan mamakuty..


    kluengmen men nk tunjuk bagos pasal UMNO pulak.. tak payah nak tunjuk ssgt lu dah berambos dari UMNO ko bela jer tua bangka kaki fitnah jijik tu sampai mampos...!!

    dah brambos buat cara brambos.. komen pun tak dibenarkan kat blog ko ada ati nak tunjuk bagos .. puiiii...!!

  5. Guan eguana eng dan mintiri2 tomato ni..buka je mulut..nampak kebodohan ki ki..dia perasan dia pandai..dia tk sengaja jolok suh dia jawab..bila bagi jawapan..rakyat nampak bodoh mcm lembu 7 ekor.


  7. Si gone ni tau mahacai byk uneducated tu yg putarrrrr nak tunjuk org salah..

    Semua cukai kerajaan akan masuk ke tabung gabungan bersama kerajaan/consolidated.. cukai kerajaan ni byk bkn gst je.. bawah pbt pun ada cukainya.. jd polisi kerajaan adalah apa saja cukai kerajaan akan masuk ke consolidated fund dulu.. selepas itu baru masuk ke akaun masing masing.. tu secara dasarnya..

    Suka sgt banding dgn singapore.. singapore pun buat yg sama.. mengapa tak kata singapore penipu curi duit rakyat.. kebanyakan negara dunia menggunakan polisi yg sama..

    1. Si gone dan si puaka ni pakar akauntan atau pakar membelit?

      Bertahun tahun laksana gst takde co yg komplen yg tak dpt kembali/gst refund.. yg ada co didakwa kerana melarikan cukai..

      Betul ada sedikit kelewatan refund tapi kes itu berlaku pd thn pertama perlaksanaan gst.. thn thn berikut tiada masalah..

    2. Mengapa tak tuding PAP singapore curi duit gst.. mengapa hanya sebut BN.. nak perbodohkan rakyat..

      Rba dap puaka hanya tunjuk sekerat sekerat mcm video disebar dlm youtube.. berhati hati propaganda jahat..

    3. EXIM BANK OF CHINA DITUDUH BERSEKONGKOL PENCUCIAN WANG BERSAMA BN berkaitan projek pipe... bank ke4 terbesar di china.. tu yg bank tu marah besar sgt.. salah satu sebab juga dikatakan gone end dilarang masuk china..

      Mula mula jd menteri nak tunjuk hebat kat rakyat akan pi china nak korek file rasuah.. kikiki.. ingat penang ka.. ingat lu tokong ka kat china..

      KAH KAH KAH...
      Ni baru mampossssss kata rba dap..

    4. Ni secara langsung dah buat tuduhan ke penjawat awam yg terlibat dlm urusan berkenaan. Penjawat awam tu tentu dibawah kementeriannya sendiri.. Pdn muka sape yg pilih.

      Kita nak bos menghargai kerja kita bkn buat tuduhan melulu..

      Haaa tepokkkkk...




  8. Bolehlah kita laung SELAMATKAN MALAYSIA dr penipu..

  9. YDP Agung...tolonglah...rakyat yng educated makin lemas dgn permainan rejim PH ni...nak membodohkan rakyat tolonglah istyiharkan Darurat...biarlah YDP Agung dgn tentera perintah....mcm Thailand...pegawai tentera pun ramai yng well educated..bukan Mat Sabu..or.. Guan Eng ni..pleaselah...sbb if Umno perintah rakyat tak nak Raja2 Melayu nilah masanya tunjuk kuasa sebenar Raja2 Melayu...jgn diam membisu kami rakyat dah tak sanggup hidup di negara yng diperintah oleh orang yng hanya tahu berdendam...mengayakan kroni anak pinak...pihak yng rasuah terlepas..pihak yng benar berkhidmat diada adakan tuduhan...dadah pun senang dicuri..polis pun mcm tak tahu nak buat kerja asyik kena ikut arahan PM yng dah nyanyuk...sewenang wenang rampas kapal mewah orang tanpa ada tuduhan sungguh menakutkan kerajaaan PH ni..rakyat sewenang wenangnya ditipu...diberhentikan..apa ni negara apa mcm ni..negara Malaysia dah jadi negara Uganda ke..pakai undang undang sendiri...ikut suka...Nauzubillahminzalik


  11. Duit mau kebas kaa..tkkan tktau brapa akaun ada...bila sudah senyap..kasi kebas itu luit..rakyat tau..najib jew yg kebas..mintiri tomato sudah umum dalam parlimen laa..
    Tomato plk uneducated..bila berbicara dalam parlimen jew dikira betul..klu betul hilang..pi pangil polis siasat..tangkap sape malaun yg kebas..bukan buat stetment..pastu sonyap...

  12. Itu lim eguana eng sudah sebu perut..mau kuntut prr000ttt mcm ted tk boleh..busung..
    Dok opis bukan cari idea cmna nk maju kn mesia..
    Dok pikir kt lubuk mana nk menipu dan burukkan kerajaan terdahulu...
