Saturday, June 2, 2018

@NajibRazak : Politically-motivated "guesstimates" should be avoided #MalaysiaMemilih #MalaysiaBaru #MalaysiaTertipu

1, The Finance Minister of a country should provide accurate figures as the financial markets depend of these in their decisions. Accurate figures should also be given in order not to confuse or mislead the people.

2. In the past week, our new Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng has continued to cite various figures that are not accurate and can only be viewed to be politically-motivated.

3. Earlier, he had spooked the financial market by stating that our national debt is RM1 trillion without giving details. It was only after various parties including myself had questioned did he clarify that the official government debt remains at RM686.8 billion or 50.8% of our GDP.

4. The figure of 50.8% is also the lowest it has been for the past 10 years and is significantly lower than the 103.4% reached in the past under Tun Mahathir.

5. As a result of the unnecessary spooking, the stock market has experienced 18 consecutive days of foreign outflows.

6. The Finance Minister continues to insist that the now-cancelled Singapore-Kuala Lumpur High Speed Rail project cost RM110 billion although the Singapore and Malaysian government had previously estimated it will cost a maximum of RM72 billion including land acquisition cost.

7. The Finance Minister claims his inflated figure of RM110 billion includes interest costs. How he arrived at this figure is unclear as the international tender which requires those participating to propose their financing packages only closes in December 2018. In the course of previous discussions, various participating parties had earlier indicated that they are able to propose low-interest or even no interest financing packages similar to what was offered to India.

8. The finance minister continues to ignore requests by multiple parties to reveal the feasibility and economic impact studies for the HSR project. In the interest of transparency, these reports should be revealed to the public to determine if the best interest of Malaysia is served by cancelling the project.

9. Yesterday, the Finance Minister has continued with his inaccurate "guesstimates" when he said that 1MDB's current debt is RM50 billion - which he vaguely says "includes interest" - a figure higher than the RM30 billion and RM38 billion that he had given in the past week.

10. When giving these figures, the Finance Minister should also mention that the debt is backed by assets that can be worth up to RM30 billion or that US$3.5 billion (RM14 billion) of that debt is guaranteed by a foreign government and is the subject of further good-faith negotiations as part of a settlement agreement.

11. Instead of continuing to use 1MDB as political capital, the new PH government should ensure the rationalization plan for 1MDB is continued. It's previous asset values should be enhanced and monetized to pay down the debt.

12. The elections are over. You have won and we have lost. The focus should now be to safeguard our country's economic growth, jobs and financial stability - not playing politics with inflated "guesstimates" to provide an excuse for not delivering on PH's manifesto as per your promised timeline.

13. A few months ago, the World Bank and IMF had reported that the BN-led Malaysia then will reach high-income income nation status in as early as in 3 years time. The PH government should ensure we remain on course to meet this target.

Source :


  1. Mustahil untuk Malaysia maju kalau punya pemimpin kerajaan PH yang tak ikhlas dan gila kuasa . Yang jadi mangsa adalah rakyat . Projek pembangunan seperti MRT3 dan HSR di batalkan . Sedikit demi sedikit Malaysia kearah zaman kegelapan .

    1. Guys..hati2 skit dgn KEJORA di bawah sana..maybe dia dari belah PH..if dia UMNO sekalipun..maybe dia tgh meraban nk tuding jari tanpa usul periksa..cara dia bercakap penuh dgn fakta2 yg kurang lengkap..digarap sedikit mana yg berkenan di hati utk jatuhkan SOKONGAN Najib..hati2 ye..

  2. MALAYSIA DAH PATAH BALIK KE ZAMAN 1980an (zaman PM ke 4)..Rules of law atau Rules by political whims & fancies.

  3. Harap kita dapat bersabar. Sedikit masa lagi PH akan saling berantakan berebut kuasa. Akhirnya rakyat juga yg menang. Isu janji dicapati akan memarakkan lagi kemarahan rakyat. Kita tunggu & rilex je sambil menonton drama 100 hari mereka..!

  4. Dulu atuk ckp "dh lama dah"" tapi sekarang atuk dh menangis..dhm fikiran atuk. Brkata2 " tk lama dah".nk melingkup.tunggu batteri padam...berantakan..

  5. Hmmm..komen sikit jela..sedih la ini maciam..MELAYU MMG MAU SKRU MELAYU..x sayang ke perlembagaan kita..obsolete sgt da ke..teringat td tv awani ad ckp malaysia xmau parti hanya berteraskan satu kaum saja..UMNO MCA MIC..ap salah depa parti keramat ni..salah ke bila ad satu parti mewakili suara satu2 kaum..kalau nk ckp kita melayu sanggup gadai UMNO sbb rasa kesaksamaan tu ad..anda semua sudah terlajak salah dlm berfikir..mane ad UMNO picit MCA MIC suruh ikut ckp depa..yg UMNO buat adlah keputusan samarata yg mengikut lunas perlembagaan..dimana MELAYU mesti ad hak dn kelebihannya..

    la ni MCA da tunjuk belang..menambah minyak ke api dgn memberikan persepsi cina..mane ad erti syukur..dia pn cina mesti ad deal dgn dap sbb dap adlah tokong perjuangan cina utk kononnya mengeluarkan diri depa dari kongkongan MELAYU DARI TANAH MILIK ORG MELAYU utk menambah dn merancakkan ekonomi depa..MELAYU OH MELAYU..kenapa jadi x bersyukur ni..CINA yg kaya lama dari MELAYU..CINA nk lebih kita bagi..kita MELAYU baru pandai dn kaya sikit da rasa diri tu amat pandai atas dasar kesaksamaan..konon pandai bila tgk video n artikel2 hentam UMNO BN yg sahih dijaja oleh blog2 terus dianggal betol dan sahih..hmm..

    sedihla dgn budak ke org tua ke yg mana yg kononya da rasa diri tu pandai sbb kaya bisnes la..sekolah pandai la..kolej oversea la..hidup da mewah la..mcm seakan senang Melayu ni kene mindhack..maaf kalau salah..ambil contoh..YAHOO dn GOOGLE punya suggestion berkenaan CERITA2 SENSASI biasanya adlah dr blog team PH mudah dn selalu tersenarai dlm berita utama..yg Pro BN mane ad tersenarai..sbb tu antara cerita2 fitnah mudah tersebar..cepat persepsi negatif dijaja..yela..btol maybe salah Najib sbb bagi muka bnyk sgt dlm media bebas..antiberita palsu pn terlambat..tapi ak rasa ni antara punca besar..hmm..mcmna nk lawan mcmni..PADA ALLAH JUA AKHIRNYA AKU BERSERAH..

    hasil nukilan hati aku yg rasa bersyukur dgn zaman najib..

  6. Yang benar pasti menang akhirnya. Lepas ni kakau aku dengar melayu melayu bangkai yg undi pakatan hampas ni komplen lagi pasal tak ada ini itu tak cukup ini itu memang aku tak kesian langsung. Mereka ni manja dan mengada ngada lebih. Yang susah tu kata rokok berkotak kotak sehari. Anak anak kecik sume ada handphone tablet sendiri,makan hari hari, mampu htr anak tuisyen susah ke apanya sangat. Fakir ke..tade lah

  7. Lokman Adam

    Satu demi satu tindakan Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad kebelakangan ini jelas menunjukkan bahawa Tun Mahathir sudah tidak lagi dapat menolak permintaan DAP yang semakin melampau. Apa boleh buat, bila hanya ada 12 kerusi, pasti terpaksa tunduk dengan permintaan DAP yang mempunyai 42 kerusi.

    Sebelum ini rakyat dikejutkan dengan perlantikan YB Mohamad Sabu menjadi Menteri Pertahanan, iaitu insan yang mengiktiraf perjuangan Komunis sebagai Pejuang Kemerdekaan. Belumpun pulih, kekecewaan ahli keluarga mangsa kekejaman komunis, kini sekali lagi mereka dikecewakan dengan cadangan Kerajaan Pakatan Harapan untuk melantik Tommy Thomas, Peguam Ketua Komunis Malaya, Ching Peng, sebagai Peguam Negara pula.

    Walaupun baru 22 hari Pakatan Harapan memerintah, pelbagai perkara yang telah dibangkitkan cukup menguris hati orang Melayu dan penganut agama Islam. Adakah tidak cukup dengan cadangan menutup JAKIM, membuka UITM kepada Bukan Bumiputra dan membuka felda kepada bukan Bumiputra? Apa yang cuba dilakukan oleh Kerajaan Pakatan Harapan yang majoritinya bukan Islam ini? Adakah mereka tidak sedar bahawa satu demi satu provokasi yang dilakukan oleh mereka boleh mengundang kemarahan pribumi yang merupakan majoriti rakyat negara ini?

  8. Rindu zaman najib? Kahkahkah...

  9. Dear all netizens. this Blog is provided by a cybertrooper. They get paid by UMNO to twist facts and give negative and racist comments to inspire hatreds. please don't comment to encourage these kind of websites. please pass on this message.

  10. Dear all netizens. This Blog is provided by a good bloggers. They don't get paid by anybody. Never twist facts and never give negative and racist comments to inspire hatreds. Please give your comments to encourage these kind of websites to crew Pakaton. Please pass on this message.

  11. Dear all netizens. this Blog is provided by a cybertrooper. They get paid by UMNO to twist facts and give negative and racist comments to inspire hatreds. please don't comment to encourage these kind of websites. please pass on this message.
