Tuesday, June 19, 2018

@NajibRazak grateful PH government did not cancel BN's DFTZ initiative

I am grateful that the Digital Free Trade Zone (DFTZ) which the previous BN government had worked to conceptualize and launch in record speed together with Alibaba has not been cancelled by the PH government.

The DFTZ, is expected to create 60,000 jobs, facilitate US$ 65bil worth of traded goods by 2025, double trans-shipment and cargo volume for Malaysia by 2025. Initiatives like DFTZ are also tools to prepare the young people for jobs that do not even exist yet.

The digital economy is the fastest growing sector in our economy. It currently accounts for 18.2% of our GDP and is expected to grow and contribute 20% to our country’s GDP by 2020.

Congratulations to the Alibaba group on the opening of their Kuala Lumpur office, which is first office in South East Asia and the first outside China.


  1. Anti-Wayang

    The Mat Salleh pulled another RM238.85 million out of our share market today – Monday 18 June 2018.

    Due to the falls in our Bursa where it is now the 28 consecutive days of foreigners pulling out money from our shares since GE14, the top 10 companies that EPF invests in has lost a combined RM55 billion in value.

    These 10 companies alone out of the dozens invested by EPF has already cost EPF RM6.1 billion in losses as reported by The Edge today:

    These companies are Cahaya Mata Sarawak, MRCB, IJM, Gamuda, Maybank, CIMB, Axiata, Telekom and TNB.

    Remember that this is just 10 companies and our Bursa has a total of 894 listed companies and you can imagine the amount of devastation that can easily be RM200 billion in value destroyed.

    So, EPF has easily lost tens of billions. What about Khazanah, ASN/ASB, Tabung Haji, KWAP, Amanahraya and the rest?

    What about the ordinary folks who invested directly in the stock market or those who bought unit trusts?

    This is what happens when our new PH government continues with politicking and political attacks with their populist policies, political statements as well as lying about our national debt.

    They politicking to continue attacking Najib/BN and we are the ones suffering.

    It has come to a stage that whenever our PM, Finance Minister and our Economic Minister opens their mouth, our financial markets fall and people lose money.

    And they have not stopped. Our new Economics Minister Azmin Ali just told the UK’s financial times that Malaysia is a bankrupt country!

    Yes, our minister officially in charge of our economy just told one of the most reputable financial media in the world that his country is bankrupt.

    Which foreigner in their right minds would still want to keep their money here in Malaysia or put in money here?

    1. Ni dah kira mcm sabotage ekonomi negara. Boleh menjejaskan kedaulatan negara

  2. Sebenarnya banyak lagi idea & usaha BN yg nak dikekalkan oleh PAcartoon tapi dek ego & malu alah, maka semua itu nak di cancel. Malu nak mengaku yg BN punya track record yg unggul yg tak mampu difikirkan oleh pemimpin PAcartoon. Tunggu.. akan ada lagi usaha BN yg akan dikekalkan, cuma akan ditukar jenama je.
    Kera jaan Baru kaki auta, kelentong, u turn, cakap tak serupa bikin, janji dicapati, hari2 buat statement bodoh. Akhirnya merugikan negara & merudumkan ekonomi.

  3. Now everyone going for k ecnomy and digital. Labor intensive mcm kilang kilang mmg dah byk yg pindah kluar.
    Kalau batal project ni misti ada negara lain yg grab opportunity ni

  4. Dear all netizens. this Blog is provided by a cybertrooper. They get paid by UMNO to twist facts and give negative and racist comments to inspire hatreds. please don't comment to encourage these kind of websites. please pass on this message


  6. Dear all netizens. this Blog is provided by a cybertrooper. They get paid by UMNO to twist facts and give negative and racist comments to inspire hatreds. please don't comment to encourage these kind of websites. please pass on this message

  7. Ayat Najib tu sangat sarcastic. "Grateful" yang buat tak tahan tu. Hehehe...

  8. doakan moga DSN terlepas dari mainan kafir2 dn melayu ikut kafir ni..

  9. Dear all netizens. this Blog is provided by a cybertrooper. They get paid by UMNO to twist facts and give negative and racist comments to inspire hatreds. please don't comment to encourage these kind of websites. please pass on this message


  11. Dear all netizens. this Blog is provided by a cybertrooper. They get paid by UMNO to twist facts and give negative and racist comments to inspire hatred. please don't comment to encourage these kind of websites. please pass on this message


  13. Dear all netizens. this Blog is provided by a cybertrooper. They get paid by UMNO to twist facts and give negative and racist comments to inspire hatred. please don't comment to encourage these kind of websites. please pass on this message to others
