Monday, May 14, 2018

Najib Razak the most corrupt PM Malaysia ever had?

In the court of public opinion, you're easily the most corrupt PM Malaysia ever had. But many of us base our opinions on the judgment from a Court of Law. People say it was difficult for you to be indicted in a Court of Law as you "interfered with police investigations and the Judicial process." 

Yet, your alleged interference is nowhere near the scale or magnitude of your previous Mentor. You fired no Lord Presidents, you changed not a single judge, you did not shut down newspapers, you did not tear gas the Rakyat and certainly did not throw your principal enemy in jail.

You were a gentleman in politics, you allowed your previous mentor to damage your character, discredit your work and nullify every single positive contribution. All over your own fatal mistake of not admitting to what was and still is, widely perceived to be an illegally-obtained kickback. 

Now you graciously accepted defeat, did not question the will of the Rakyat and will not challenge the government. You quietly agreed to unilateral action by the new Executive and honourably resigned from all your posts. You sat still while the hate against your family is surging like a tidal wave, manifesting in the worst media abuse accorded to any leader of Malaysia.

But for many of us, we urge you to stand strong. We urge you to submit to the judicial process and face the consequences if indicted. We appreciate your sincerity in returning any illegal proceed to its rightful source. Just like Tun Dr Mahathir, we believe you should be given the opportunity to make good again. To right the wrongs you committed, or the wrongs committed under your Watch.

Above all, we will support your effort to build a strong Opposition with integrity. To function as a check and balance mechanism against the new government. And to give meaning once again to the beauty of the symbol of an impartial scale.

Thank you YAB Dato Seri Najib Razak. We are with you. And we will help you rise again.


  1. ... Salamm reformasi esok kita meraikan pembebasan dan pengampunan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim kemenangan sudah berada dipihak kita . Reformasi ..reformasi .. reformasi

    Salam Reformasi.

  2. Saya tetap bersama DS Najib. Dia PM yang banyak jasa untuk rakyat betul2 ke akar umbi. Semoga Allah SWT selamatkannya dari mangsa kezaliman Mahafiraun..


  4. #TunNotMyPM

    InsyaAllah ....

    Amiin .....

  5. Sesiapa yang bersalah akan ada balasannya.....samada cepat atau lambat sahaja...Nanti akan ada yang mengaku telah tersilap....

    1. Sy rasa Najib dh buat malu Malaysia di mata dunia. Kalau dia betul dan benar dari awal lagi dia as PM masa tu dh lama dia dapat terangkan dan selesaikan dgn jelas pasal 1MDB. Pastu ekonomi dah merosot teruk hasil pemerintahan beliau. Lain issue saya sbg rakyat sakit hati bila pg kedai makan pon kena cas gst. Beli laptop wah.. Banyak juga kena dgn gst 6%. Dgr2 klu BN menang nk naik 10%. Nasib baik ni x jdi hasil usaha kami.

    2. Tol free mana? Gst dah kosong rega barang keperluan pun tak kurang jugak. Tak kan hari hari nak beli lap top

  6. strongly agreed..
    we never question SPR or anything.. we accepted the result..


    - and now mathir can just say this and that and it is ok to be done without any proof of wrong doing.. he can just simply instruct imigresen to not allow people go out of malaysia..?
    - najib time, even you already charged of wrong doing in court, but you still can go overseas.. and still be chief minister..
    - even he can simply warn AG and people happy about it.. whereas if najib dulu.. mau meletup 1 malaya..
    how hipokrit can they be..

  7. Najib ni baik orgnya, sopan santun, budi bahasa, budi bicara tersusun, menghormati org tua, nak mengkritik pemimpin terdahulu pun tak berapa nak tahu, bila ada yg mendesak, rakyat mengagah baru je last 2-3 years mula belajar2 nak kritik Mahathir. Itu pun bila diasak rakyat. Rakyat teramai mendokan kesejahteraan dan keselamatan Najib!!!!!

  8. Saya sangat setuju dengan Admin "Yet, your alleged interference is nowhere near the scale or magnitude of your previous Mentor. You fired no Lord Presidents, you changed not a single judge, you did not shut down newspapers, you did not tear gas the Rakyat and certainly did not throw your principal enemy in jail."

    Yang penting kita misti perteguhkan UMNO dulu, dan cari mekanisma untuk kerjasama dengan PAS supaya calon UMNO dan perdana pas tidak bertindih dalam PRU akan datang.

  9. Saya sangat setuju dengan Admin "Yet, your alleged interference is nowhere near the scale or magnitude of your previous Mentor. You fired no Lord Presidents, you changed not a single judge, you did not shut down newspapers, you did not tear gas the Rakyat and certainly did not throw your principal enemy in jail."

    Yang penting kita misti perteguhkan UMNO dulu, dan cari mekanisma untuk kerjasama dengan PAS supaya calon UMNO dan PAS tidak bertindih dalam PRU akan datang. Lupakan dulu parti2 komponen ang lain.

  10. Sepanjang karier ada siapa2 yg pernah melihat Najib menyumpah seranah dlm ceramah politik, ada dia mengeluarkan bahasa "bapak kau", ada dia melempar mikrofon macam Mat Sabu, ada dia mengeluarkan kata2 kesat, ada dia memfitnah, tiada, malah sepanjang masa dia telah menjadi mangsa fitnah dan penipuan... malah keluarganya tidak putus2 difitnah!!!!!!

  11. UMNO legasi Muda Mudi plus Council of Elder bergabung dengan PAS. Tackle issue akhir zaman utk prepare alam barzark balance dengan dunia technology. Follow zaman Nabi jadi Ketua handle pelbagai kaum.
