Wednesday, July 26, 2017

@VellPaari whacks @TonyPua, asked to focus on @cmlimguaneng corruption scandal #Negaraku #Malaysia

*Press Statement*
*Datuk Seri S. Vell Paari*

*_Tony Pua shall check corruption in Penang involving Lim Guan Eng and the state government_*

1. I refer to a recent statement made by DAP's Tony Pua who told Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said that he (Pua) was elected to check corruption and not to debate about drains or potholes.

Source :

2. Since Tony likes to talk about corruption, why not he talk about the corruption scandal that is now erupting in Penang. His boss Lim Guan Eng was charged with using his (Lim) public office or position to obtain gratification for himself, by approving an application by Magnificent Emblem to convert agricultural land to residential purpose during a state planning committee meeting on July 18, 2014.

3. Lim is also alleged to have used his position to obtain gratification by purchasing his house from Phang at RM2.8 million, which was below the property’s market value of RM4.27 million on July 28, 2015. Why is Tony Pua keeping an elegant silence on this?

Source :

4. Tony might have forgotten that he once said that Lim Guan Eng must go on leave if he is charged in court. However until today after being charged in court, Lim Guan Eng has never gone on leave and Tony Pua have now suddenly "forgotten" what he said previously.

Source :

5. Since we are still talking about corruption, can Tony Pua also share with us Malaysians why Lim Guan Eng  allegedly paid four times higher than the actual cost to the state’s undersea tunnel project concessionaires and why did the state government paid RM177.5 million in advance without physically check the works that had been carried out.

6. Besides this mega undersea tunnel scandal, can Tony Pua also explain why is the state government is planning for the most expensive highway in Malaysia, the cost of which will end up being borne by Penangites.?

7. The cost for the Penang Island Link (PIL - 1) will be RM 7.5 Billion which is equivalent to a staggering RM385 million per km, easily the most expensive highway in Malaysia by far. This is also 140 percent higher than the KIDEX highway in Selangor. It seems that the Penang government is in a hurry to sign multi billion contracts just before the General Election.

8. Finally, since Tony Pua is so fond of fighting corruption, how is it possible that DAP is now working with the man they once called the "Father of all Corruption" Dr. Mahathir Mohamad. By working with Dr. Mahathir is Tony Pua now saying that all their propaganda that Dr. Mahathir was corrupted all this years was just a lie to the public? DAP are now close buddies with Dr. Mahathir and are subordinates to the Top Dog of Pakatan Harapan. What happened and how did the "Father of all corruption" became the leader of DAP?

9. My advice to Tony Pua is that if you are really passionate in fighting corruption why not quit your MP position and apply to join the MACC? In Penang the DAP government is facing all this billion dollar scandals and court cases involving CM Lim Guan Eng. So please solve your internal corruption involving your CM who have been charged in court.

Thank You

1 comment:

  1. clap clap clap.. good one Mr. Vell Paari..
