Friday, July 22, 2016

The difference between a #Tokong and #MalaysianOfficial1

Difference between TOKONG and Malaysia Official 1 (MO1).

1. TOKONG personally benefited from buying assets at way below market price and made millions. His party did not authorize him to receive fund on behalf of his party.

2. MO1 received millions into an account in his name where his party's constitution says he is allowed to do that - a practise that Muhyiddin says has existed for a long time.

3. TOKONG was alleged in a criminal investigation and charged to have directly interfered in decisions that benefited the seller (or giver of the benefit).

4. MO1 is not a subject of the investigations and FBI reports did not show where he had directly interfered decisions that benefited the donor (or giver of the benefit).

5. If TOKONG sells his banglo tomorrow, he will profit with millions that will go into his pocket.

6. MO1 used all the money given into the account in his name and used it for his party. He didn't keep it in his pocket.

7. TOKONG was officially charged with two counts of corruption.

8. The USA and Swiss govt said MO1 is not a subject of their investigation. The Malaysian Govt investigated MO1 and said there was no criminal case against him.

9. Ambiga and gang says TOKONG was selectively prosecuted and need not step down.

10. Ambiga and gang is angry at Malaysian govt that MO1 was not prosecuted but need to step down. Somehow Ambiga and gang are not angry that Swiss and USA did not prosecute MO1 though.

For avoidance of doubt, I believe that FBI meant PM Najib when they wrote MO1.

And we all know who TOKONG is.


  1. Penulis "perbandingan LGE dengan MO1" ini seolah-olah mempunyai akal setaraf budak darjah satu.
    Kasihan dia ni.

  2. Penulis "perbandingan LGE dengan MO1" ini seolah-olah mempunyai akal setaraf budak darjah satu.
    Kasihan dia ni.
