Saturday, July 16, 2016

PM @NajibRazak confirms solidarity with @RT_Erdogan #TurkeyCoupAttemp #TurkeyCoup


We unequivocally condemn the attempt to overthrow the government of Turkey. The administration of President Recep Tayyip Erdoðan was democratically elected by the people.

It is particularly concerning that many have been killed and injured. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Turkish people.

Turkey and Malaysia are firm allies in the fight against terrorism and extremism. We are trading partners and partner states in the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation.

We stand together in opposing unconstitutional attempts to undermine the people’s will, as expressed through the ballot box. Coups in any form must never be tolerated. Democratic process is the foundation of our freedom, security and prosperity.

We hope to see stability and calm return to Turkey as soon as possible, and welcome the news that President Erdoðan has declared the attempted coup over.


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