Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Part 2: The People of #Penang are fed up with Lim Guan Eng

Penang people are fed up with Guan Eng

Looking at the dubious deal Lim Guan Eng made with Phang Li Koon, his massive bungalow per square feet price is just at RM 276 per square feet. This is peanuts compared to the price the Penang government has set for low cost houses which range from RM 600 per square feet.  Why is Lim Guan Eng being given special treatment by Phang Li Koon on this bungalow deal? Is there something else that is being done under the table without us knowing?

Lim Guan Eng is known to be a pro - developer CM. He gives preferential treatment to big players to develop massive luxury property projects in the island of Penang. This in turn pushes up the price of property in Penang until local Penangite can't afford to buy property on the island and they have to migrate to the mainland or other states which are cheaper. This mass exodus of local Penangite from the island they love is then replaced by people from mainland China, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan etc. Penangites are losing out due to this pro - developer policy of Lim Guan Eng. 
Another mother of all scandal by the Penang state government under the leadership of Lim Guan Eng is about the controversial Taman Manggis land deal. Barisan Nasional strategic communication director Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan and Gerakan secretary-general Datuk Liang Teck Meng released explosive documents detailing the dubious land deal at Taman Manggis where the Penang state government is allowing the Kuala Lumpur International Dental Centre (KLIDC) to make RM59 million profit by selling the Taman Manggis land that was initially earmarked for low-cost housing project.
If you can still remember, the Taman Manggis land was initially sold by the Penang government to Kuala Lumpur International Dental Centre (KLIDC) on June 16, 2010 under a controversial ‘Request For Proposal’ (RFP) process at RM11.5 million which many believed was grossly lower than the market value at that time.Therefore, as you can see, there are major scandals going on in Penang related to land deals. The irony is this, the Chief Minister chairs the land affairs portfolio in the state  since he is the "Exco - Hal Ehwal Tanah & Pembangunan Tanah, Penerangan dan Warisan & Hal Ehwal Agama Bukan Islam". 
The question is, with all these land scandals going on in Penang, is the Taman Manggis and Lim Guan Eng's multi - million ringgit bungalow is only the "tip of the iceberg'? These are valid questions that the people of Penang must ask Lim Guan Eng. 

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