Monday, April 25, 2016

Terengganu MB: I accept Sultan's decison to strip me of title, awards

Terengganu Menteri Besar Ahmad Razif Abdul Rahman says he accepts the decision made by the Sultan Terengganu Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin in stripping him of his state awards and title. Razif said, as a 'rakyat' and leader, he will continue to prove his loyalty to Sultan Mizan. 

"I will continue to be loyal and the interest of the people of Terengganu will continue to be my priority as long as I hold a position. 

"I accept what has happened and understand completely that this is the absolute right of the Sultan to either confer the awards or revoke them. 

"What is important is that we must remain loyal to king and country," he said in a statement to Bernama tonight. 

Sultan Mizan has stripped the Menteri Besar of all titles and state awards, effective Friday, April 22. This was announced in a statement issued today by the Comptroller of the Royal Household, Office of His Royal Highness the Sultan of Terengganu, to Bernama.

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