Saturday, September 5, 2015

@teresakok Going Mad because of @LiowTiongLai & MCA

Seputeh Member of Parliament rght - wing @dapmalaysia leader Teresa Kok has taken issues with the statement by MCA and its President Dato Seri Liow Tiong Lai that :

 "MCA totally rejects the extremism brought by DAP and will always upholds the spirit of moderation"

Now first of all, why is Teresa Kok upset with the statement above? As a Malaysian and responsible member of Parliament she should embrace moderation and not attack moderation like its a "sin". In fact, in order for the country to progress and ensure stability all ethnicities shall unite and uphold the spirit of moderation. We should not have a siege mentality between the ethnics of this country. 

However, it seems that Teresa Kok is against this and we clearly know why. DAP, as a right-wing Chinese majority based party thrived on the "siege mentality" between the ethnics of this country. Without this mentality, people would not vote DAP. Simple as that.

Knowing this fact plus the total failure of #Bersih4 to gain support from the majority Bumiputera and minority hindus are putting DAP in a bind. This is because ordinary Malaysians especially the Bumiputera and Indians do not trust DAP anymore. 

This is because since gaining power in 2008, DAP has shown that it is rude and arrogant not only towards its coalition partners such as PAS or PKR, but also to Malaysians in general. Villages and shops are torn down in Penang, Bumiputera friendly policies are abolished and etc. The impact of this is a total lost of support from Malaysians. 

This is in total contrast of MCA under the leadership of Dato Seri Liow Tiong Lai and Datuk Dr. Ir. Wee Ka Siong. They have slowly brought back support of the ethnic Chinese to Barisan Nasional not by being racist but by preaching moderation and by simply just working hard. 

We at #KLChronicle seriously hope that the ethnic Chinese majority will appreciate the work done by the leaders of MCA and give their support to BN. BN has done a lot, and will continue to do more for the rakyat. That is for sure!

1 comment:

  1. Ai Yo! this Uriah Heep party!!! Nothing will make its members happy !! because... they are such ingrates unhappy people!!
