Sunday, September 20, 2015

SPAD : No more 10 year old taxis by 2019

We at #KLChronicle would like to congratulate The Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD) for coming out with a very good policy of doing away with taxis that are more than 10 years old by 2019. In our opinion, this policy should have been implemented way earlier as there has been numerous problems with "old" taxis in the country, especially outskirts of Kuala Lumpur and other states around the country. 

According to SPAD chairman Tan Sri Syed Hamid Albar , the 10,000 or so ageing cabs to be replaced with Teksi 1Malaysia (TEKS1M) vehicles by 2019, to provide a better ride and service.

“There are two aspects that need to be looked into when transforming the taxi industry: physical changes and changing the mindset of taxi drivers,” he said.

As Malaysia gears up to be a fully developed country by year 2020, it is important that our taxi industry is also being revamped to give it a "better" look. Taxi's are our first line of public relations with respect to inbound tourist and it is very important that they project a good image to the tourist that are here in the country. Not only inbound tourist, taxi drivers and their vehicle must also be able to serve the rakyat without any problems. 

We at the #KLChronicle look forward to the implementation of this policy by SPAD. The proposed replacement cabs i.e. TEKS1M will allow for more comfort rides for passengers as their sizes are bigger with much more luggage space for passengers. It will be a perfect mode of transportation for large families to move around the city. What say you?

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