Sunday, September 6, 2015

#MIC & @kvssubra to establish Malaysian Indian Consultative Council (MICC)

Understanding the needs and aspiration of the ethnic Indian community, newly appointed MIC President Datuk Seri Dr S.Subramaniam in his Presidential speech had said one of the initiatives planned under his leadership would be the Malaysian Indian Consultative Council(MICC). 

MICC would act as bridge to the community and all efforts of the government. It would also create a discussive forum in which Indian professionals across the country can contribute to the community as a whole. Due to the above, The #KLChronicle would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Datuk Seri Dr. S. Subramaniam for not wasting time and straight away going down to work for the Indian community.

Personally, we seriously think that MIC has lost valuable time in convincing the ethnic indian community that Barisan Nasional is the best party to take care and protect their interest. With the party elections now over and with Dr. Subra proactive leadership, MIC can bring back the majority ethnic Indians back to BN . 

The #KLChronicle team will continue to promote the work done by MIC as we believe MIC is the best institution to work with the indian community. The party has the network and the resources to effect change and it will be doing just that with Dr. Subra at the helm. 

Good Luck sir!

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