Friday, September 4, 2015

MCA rejects @dapmalaysia 's Extremism, upholds spirit of moderation

On the 29 till 31 August 2015, the nation observed one of its darkest moment when an opposition led NGO together with the Democratic Action Party (DAP) of Malaysia tried to hijacked and sabotaged our National Day celebration by having an illegal demonstration in and around "Dataran Merdeka" to demand the resignation of a democratically elected Prime Minister whose 14 party strong coalition won the majority seats in Parliament to form a government.

Notwithstanding the above, the illegal demonstration, dubbed #Bersih4 saw the participation of ethnic Chinese minorities who are aligned and supporters of the DAP. The demonstration did not receive traction from the majority ethnic Malays and minority Indians and it was obvious from the start that hidden hands were behind this illegal demonstration and the NGO was just a front to disguise the real "masterminds". In the course of the illegal demonstrations, supporters of DAP behaved in an uncivilized and rude manner such as stomping on pictures of leaders, using offensive language as well as erecting mock shrines. These above actions has hurt the feelings of the ethnic Malay majority of this country.

Acknowledging that these heinous actions does not represent the voice of the ethnic Chinese community in Malaysia, the Malaysia Chinese Association (MCA) via its President Dato' Sri Liow Tiong Lai has released a strongly worded press statement condemning the actions and behavior of DAP supporters. In our opinion at #KLChronicle, the key sentence from MCA that shall be embraced by all Malaysians are that:

 "MCA totally rejects the extremism brought by DAP and will always upholds the spirit of moderation"

For us at #KLChronicle, the sentence above is very powerful and it reflects the stand of Barisan Nasional as a whole. The Prime Minister himself upon assuming the chairmanship of Barisan Nasional and the premiership had mooted the 1Malaysia concept and now to further enhance this concept, the Prime Minister has always preach about "Moderation" or in islamic terms its called "Wasatiyah". This has been consistent all along. 

Barisan Nasional, as a coalition of 14-strong parties with various ethnicity, religion and culture has always subscribed to "moderation" in any decision or policy making. In fact, since the forming of Perikatan and subsequently Barisan Nasional, "power sharing" has always been the essence that binds all the parties together through thick and thin. Can we say so about DAP and their now defunct "Pakatan Rakyat"? We don't think so!

The best that the Malaysian public has as a government is Barisan Nasional, which has been proven successful and moderate in its administration. The full statement by MCA is as below:

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