Friday, September 11, 2015

Dato' Sri S @vellpaari : Illegal release of classified information to Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) must be investigated

Two days ago, a known critique of the Barisan Nasional led government, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) made a serious allegation that USD1.4 billion of payments made by 1MDB to Aabar Investments PJS went “missing”.  Not only the accusation from WSJ is baseless as it does not provide any evidence to back up its accusation, WSJ has clearly breached local laws by sighting a confidential and classified report and “transcript of proceedings” into 1MDB’s activities by the Malaysia’s auditor general.

The shocking admission by WSJ that it sighted confidential information in its reporting clearly shows that it (WSJ) has no respect for the laws of this country and is hell bent on discrediting Prime Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Bin Tun Abdul Razak. The information that was sighted by WSJ was only made available to a selected few who works in Parliament and manage the transcripts and Hansard of proceedings.

Referring to The Standing Orders of the Malaysian Parliament very clearly states that:

The evidence taken before any Select Committee and any documents presented to such Committee shall not be published by any member of such Committee, or by any other person, before the Committee has presented its Report to the House”.

The question is who in Parliament had leaked or even sold confidential information to WSJ in order to bring down a democratically elected government? The action by this particular person or group of persons has put the country at risk as staffs of parliament are privy to sensitive information due to their involvement in the day to day operations of parliament and also participation in committee proceedings. If information from PAC hearings can be released or sold to foreign media outlets, information such as our military and defence capabilities is at risk and can also be sold to the highest bidder.

Due to the seriousness of this breached, I would like to urge the Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and the Inspector General of Police (IGP) Tan Sri Khalid Bin Abu Bakar to ensure no stones are left unturned in their investigations. This is to ensure the traitor/traitors will be caught and brought to justice so that they will not be able to further release classified information to foreign media outlets or foreign governments anymore.


Dato' Sri S. Vell Paari
Communication and Public Relations Chief
Malaysian Indian Congress

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