Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Dato Seri @Vellpaari wants @PDRMsia to investigate Malaysians implicated by Xavier Andre Justo

PDRM must investigate Malaysians implicated by Xavier Andre Justo

The shocking revelation by New Strait Times (NST) that there were organised attempts to topple the democratically elected Barisan Nasional government by certain opposition leaders and local businessmen must be investigated thoroughly by the police force. The allegations are serious and goes against the democratic principles of this country where only the people determine their leaders via general elections and not by foreign agents or wealthy local businessmen.

I myself take a serious view of the recent development and humbly urged the Malaysian public to keep calm and not jump to conclusion unless investigations are concluded even though the action taken by these opposition leaders and businessmen can be labelled as traitors to the country.

Quoting Xavier Andre Justo, he has willingly admitted to passing illegally obtained information of 1MDB to a certain Malaysian businessmen which then created a political firestorm in the country. Referring to the statement made by the Deputy Prime Minister yesterday, it was quoted that:

"Malaysia police have received the co-operations from the Thai authorities and will do what is necessary including to open an investigation papers (on opposition leaders) and later hand it over to the Attorney-General's Chamber for prosecution,” Datuk Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi

On this note, i personally would like to take the opportunity to congratulate the Deputy Prime Minister and the Inspector General of Police (IGP) Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar for being firm and for their continuous effort in protecting the country from external and internal elements that is hell bent in trying to bring down a democratically elected government. The action of these few men and women of this country who have betrayed the trust of the people must not be condone.

Dato' Sri S. Vell Paari
Communication and Public Relations Chief
Malaysian Indian Congress

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