Friday, September 4, 2015

Congrats @MyRapidKL ! auxiliary cops nab suspected LRT sex pervert

#KLChronicle : We at #KLChronicle would like to congratulate Prasarana Malaysia Berhad for successfully capturing this psycho sex pervert. The video that went viral was really disturbing and only god knows what would have happened to that pity girl if this guy had acted more violently. The quick action taken by Prasarana Malaysia Bhd's auxiliary police clearly demonstrates that the LRT system is safe to be used by the rakyat as we would always be protected by Prasarana's auxiliary police. Keep up the good work guys!

Prasarana Malaysia Bhd's auxiliary police have arrested a suspect in connection with a recent sexual harassment case on a light rail transit (LRT) train.

The case had received widespread publicity after the alleged victim recorded the man's inappropriate behaviour and shared it on social media.

Prasarana spokesman Lim Jin Aun said in a statement that the 41-year-old suspect was apprehended at the RapidKL Central Market bus hub by auxiliary policemen about 8.50pm last night.

The alleged victim had been contacted to identify the man who admitted to committing the offence and was brought to the Dang Wangi district police station for further action, the statement said.

"We are proud of the efficiency of the auxiliary police in investigating the case and apprehending the suspect.

"It is our priority to ensure a safe and comfortable journey to all commuters," Lim said.

Prasarana urged commuters to report any criminal or inappropriate behaviour so that action could be taken. – September 3, 2015.

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