Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Anifah Aman Hopes "Himpunan Rakyat Bersatu' About Unity

There has been a lot of controversy regarding the ‘Himpunan Rakyat Bersatu’ which I am made to understand is planned to be held on the 16 September 2015, a significant day celebrated by all Malaysians regardless of race, religion and political belief. I am all for a rally that stands for the unity of Malaysians celebrating this important occasion  as we normally do on a yearly basis however should the rally only be about retaliation to ‘Himpunan BERSIH 4.0’ then that should not be tolerated. 

‘Himpunan Bersih 4.0’ was made illegal and I believe should ‘Himpunan Rakyat Bersatu’ have an objective that is not about unity and celebrating Hari Malaysia then it too should be made illegal. 

There is also no harm in wearing a red shirt on Hari Malaysia if it is to celebrate Hari Malaysia and represent unity amongst all races however should it be worn just for provocation then that I believe is wrong the same way wearing the yellow shirt to create provocation is wrong.

Hari Malaysia should not be about racial, political nor religious hatred. We must embrace the true meaning of Hari Malaysia. An unguarded tit-for-tat action or reason can be detrimental to the peace and harmony enjoyed by Malaysians and no doubt effect the economic well-being of the country. We as a nation must be above these kind of narrow minded thinking. Hari Malaysia is for All Malaysians to demonstrate their love for the country and not to instigate hatred nor racial supremacy. 

I hope that the ‘Himpunan Rakyat Bersatu’ will be about unity, love for our country and people not about hatred. If it is about unity, love for our country and people as well as a rally marking the celebration of the formation of Malaysia as suggested by the word “rakyat bersatu” then I sincerely believe the rally should go on. However if it is not then I strongly believe the rally should not go on and tarnish the celebration of a significant day which all Malaysians should have the right to celebrate in a joyful but peaceful manner.

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