Thursday, September 3, 2015

7 Key Reasons Why #Bersih4 Backfired

Analysis from Chinese Media - Sin Chew comment by Tay Tian Yan, deputy chief editor. This confirms pretty much what we are saying about Bersih has backfired and not affected PM cos of its overwhelming chinese turnout.

About Bersih 4.0 and its consequences

It is more interesting to talk about the Bersih 4.0 rally and its consequences.

First: Najib and UMNO have not been shaken by the protest. Najib’s support is founded on UMNO and UMNO’s support on conservative Malays. So if the conservative Malays have not been swayed, UMNO and Najib would not be shaken.

Second: MCA and Gerakan are the biggest losers. Since the protesters have failed to shake Najib and UMNO, they would shift their target to MCA and Gerakan and direct their anger and grievances against these two parties. Chinese voters may use the ballot box to express their resentment.

Third: Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad fails to please either side by his presence. Dr Mahathir suppressed public protests previously. He has no place in the rally comprising 70 to 80 percent Chinese. On the other hand, he has been slammed for betraying UMNO and conservative Malays.

Fourth: Where was Anwar? Anwar, the fiery leader of previous Bersih rallies, now languishes in jail. Keadilan’s call for his release was drowned by the blaring of vuvuzela.

Fifth: Gerakan Harapan Baru’s hopes have vanished. Except for the presence of several GHB leaders, there were few followers without PAS mobilization.

Sixth: Hadi Awang is laughing now. His decision not to join Bersih 4.0 is a showdown against DAP. He made a gamble and won. By doing so, he also did UMNO a favour.

Seventh: Bersih 4.0 succeeded in getting the number but failed in have a racially balanced crowd. There is need to educate participants of such civil movement to prevent ugly
incidents such as stomping the images of government and religious leaders and naming calling.

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