Sunday, August 23, 2015

MCA Slams Joseph @cmlimguaneng for politicising this year Merdeka celebrations

MCA Presiden Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai has slammed Joseph Lim Guan Eng for politicising the Merdeka Celebrations
We at #KLChronicle agrees with the strong statement issued by MCA's president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai with respect to the "revised" Merdeka Slogan that the Penang state government under the leadership of Joseph Lim Guan Eng issued few days back. It is an utter disgrace that a state government, helmed by DAP acted so irresponsibly by announcing their own Merdeka slogan which differs from the national-level theme. Why so rude?

It has to be noted that this has never happened before. Not even in 1969 and not even post - 2008. However, now it seems that DAP is bold enough to have their own Merdeka theme and worse of all, politicize it for their own political benefits. In simple terms, Joseph Lim Guan Eng is using the Merdeka celebrations as a political venue to gain more support for his Right-Wing Chinese based chauvinist party in preparation for the coming general elections. 

In order for him to "look strong & powerful", the only way is that he has to be seen challenging the federal government even on issues that brings unity to the country such as the Merdeka celebrations. Jospeh Lim Guan Eng has to give a perception that he has the "balls" to argue with the federal government on major issues and also minor issues. Unfortunately, politicizing the Merdeka celebrations is just stupid and childish to say the least. 

We sincerely hope that the rakyat will take note of the irresponsible actions taken by Joseph Lim Guan Eng and punish him and DAP in the next general election. They (Joseph Lim Guan Eng & DAP) has to be brought down to earth since they now act like "little gods" in Malaysia due to the unprecedented support levels that they have from the Right - wing Chinese community. In order to have a harmonious and united multiracial society in Malaysia, the powers of Joseph Lim Guan Eng and DAP has to be curtailed. If not, there would be a lot of discontent between the races and this would be not good for the country. Period. 

The Original article from The Star 

MCA has condemned Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng for politicising the Merdeka celebration.

Its president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai said Merdeka was for everyone, so there should not be different themes for different states.

"It is a serious occasion that marks the country's independence and people should not joke about it," he said at the Pahang Wanita MCA annual general meeting here Saturday morning.

He was commenting on Lim's move to announce a separate Merdeka theme – "Bersih, Cekap dan Amanah" (Clean, Efficient and Trustworthy) – for Penang.

Liow said this year's Merdeka theme was "Sehati Sejiwa" (One heart, One soul), which should be used throughout the country, but Lim had announced a separate Merdeka theme for Penang, confusing the people.

"That was in fact a slogan previously used by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad when he was prime minister.

"Lim Guan Eng can politicise every issue including Merdeka," he added.

Liow also said PAS' ultimate goal was to set up a theocratic state in Malaysia.

He said it did not matter whether it was the party led by Datuk Seri Hadi Awang or the so-called liberal group led by former PAS deputy president Mohammad Sabu, as they would not give up their fight towards building an Islamic State and urged the people not to be fooled again.


  1. The most disgusting chauvinism approach setforth by LGE of DAP crstally visualize the true character of uncivilized political moron of such magnitude.A simple people eccentric nationwide traditional ceremonial called National Merdeka celebration was being naively neglected by this stupidity act.A national celebration for every living citizens of Malaysia irrespective of color,political ideology,races,religions,young and old was being ridiculed by this moronic stunt.What a phatetic individual helming a so called democratic action party.There's seems no democracy and in total absences.What a party they are.The rakyat and the whole world peered with sinister this bad intention and cheapskate act.Shame and double shame.

  2. The most disgusting chauvinism approach setforth by LGE of DAP crstally visualize the true character of uncivilized political moron of such magnitude.A simple people eccentric nationwide traditional ceremonial called National Merdeka celebration was being naively neglected by this stupidity act.A national celebration for every living citizens of Malaysia irrespective of color,political ideology,races,religions,young and old was being ridiculed by this moronic stunt.What a phatetic individual helming a so called democratic action party.There's seems no democracy and in total absences.What a party they are.The rakyat and the whole world peered with sinister this bad intention and cheapskate act.Shame and double shame.
