Wednesday, June 3, 2015

PAS ulama head says pro-Pakatan leaders a ‘thorn in the flesh’

PAS needs to wipe out dissenters who have become "thorns in the flesh", said the head of its ulama wing Datuk Mahfodz Mohamad, as he exhorted members to vote out leaders who were pro-Pakatan Rakyat instead of loyal to its president in the party's polls this weekend.

Without singling out any specific leader, Mahfodz said these individuals had sided with PAS’s partners in PR, especially DAP which had criticised party president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang.

"We have now an opportunity to renew the mandate of leadership. I urge us to choose a leadership that will support the president," Mahfodz told hundreds of the wing's delegates in the ulama assembly in Gombak today. – June 3, 2015.

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