Thursday, June 11, 2015

Election Commission wins court case against Haris Ibrahim

Why is Haris Ibrahim going against the Federal Constitution?
Asal Bukan UMNO (ABU) founding member, Haris Ibrahim has today lost his case against the Election Commission according to the Kuala Lumpur High Court. In what was a bizarre case, Haris Ibrahim had tried to compel the Election Commission to furnish details of the re-delineation exercise for all constituencies in its website when in fact NO RE-DELINEATION EXERCISE has yet started in Sabah and Peninsular Malaysia. Only in Sarawak has the re-delineation exercise started and the EC is working closely with the state government and local authority on the process. 

The objective of bringing the re-delineation process to court was in order for Haris Ibrahim to object the re-delineation exercise that will be conducted by the EC. However, Haris Ibrahim might have forgotten that as per Article 13 of the Federal Constitution only registered voters at a particular constituency can protest a re-delineation exercise at that particular area. What was strange and weird in this case is that Haris Ibrahim tried to tell the judge that he represented "aggrieved persons" who were not named in this case!

The judge, Asmabi Mohamad then lambasted Haris Ibrahim by saying that he had no  locus standi (legal standing) to initiate this originating summons as the court do not know who are the aggrieved persons he is representing. Although he had lost the court case and knowing full well that he had wasted the courts time in filing a motion that was well against the Federal Constitution, Haris Ibrahim confirmed to reporters that he will appeal the decision by the Kuala Lumpur High Court. 

To be honest, we at #KLChronicle just can't understand what kind of "game" Haris Ibrahim is playing by wasting the court time on this petty issue. Further to that, how can Haris Ibrahim object to the overall re-delineation exercise in the whole of Malaysia when he himself is actually a registered voter in the Bukit Gasing state constituency and Petaling Jaya parliamentary seat, As per the Federal Constitution, he can only object to the re-delineation exercise in Petaling Jaya!!

We hope the court takes a tougher action against Haris Ibrahim when he appeal this case. He is blatantly wasting the courts time and tax payers money. There are a lot of more urgent cases that the courts needs to look at but Haris Ibrahim is being selfish and knows well that he will be losing when he appeal this case. If he is so eager to oppose the re-delineation exercise, just wait for it to be conducted by the EC in Peninsular Malaysia and he can oppose it constitutionally as per the Federal Constitution. Why go AGAINST THE FEDERAL CONSTITUTION? 

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