Sunday, June 21, 2015

Conflicting views by @NikNazmi and @afifbahardin on "Pakatan Rakyat"

Nik Nazmi has slammed his deputy for his unilateral views

PKR's Youth wing appears to have conflicting views between its chief and deputy on the fate of Pakatan Rakyat.

Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad said his deputy, Dr Afif Baharuddin’s statement to say that the pact still exists, was not the wing’s official stand.

“I have been made informed that their statement on Pakatan Rakyat dated June 20 is not the Youth’s official position.

“As an official wing, we support the official statement made by the President, as decided in a meeting attended by me,” Nik Nazmi said in a statement, Sunday.

On Saturday, Dr Afif insisted that the coalition still existed, saying that DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng had no right to declare that the pact was dead.

Dr Afif, who is also a Penang assemblyman and a state exco, said that it was up to the people to determine whether Pakatan was dead or not, as the coalition was formed based on the people’s aspirations after the 12th general election.

Lim, who is also a Penang chief minister, had declared that Pakatan had ceased to exist after PAS Muktamar’s decision to approve a motion to sever ties with DAP.

This followed by a statement by PKR president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, who said that Pakatan "no longer functions normally”.

To this, Lim said PKR was on the same page with DAP in declaring that Pakatan was no more.

However, Dr Afif said Dr Wan Azizah did not make the declaration outrightly.

"She only said PR 'no longer functions formally'. This only means that Pakatan will stop holding official meetings, but it still exists.

"Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said the same thing as well in his message from prison,” he said.

He also urged the top leadership of the pact to go back to the negotiating table for the sake of the people.


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