Sunday, May 31, 2015


After Second Finance Minister Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah presented the Ministry of Finance’s plan for 1MDB to the Cabinet on Friday, Najib looked at all the Cabinet members and asked them who were not with him. Those not with him can tender their resignation and walk out the door.

Nobody spoke. Most looked down at their shoes as if they suddenly needed to check whether their shoes were clean or not. A couple glanced at Shafie Apdal as if to say, “Well, since you are not with the PM are you going to resign and leave?” But not a single cabinet member said he or she does not agree with the 1MDB plan or are not with the PM and would like to resign from the cabinet.

So let us see what they say now. That they do not know what is going on? That they do not know what is happening in 1MDB? That they have not been informed about the affairs of 1MDB? That they do not agree with 1MDB? That they are not with the Prime Minister?

On Friday the Prime Minister gave the entire cabinet a chance to distance themselves from 1MDB and show that they do not support the Prime Minister by resigning. But not a single cabinet member did that, not even Shafie Apdal.

Najib asks his cabinet members not with him to resign | Malaysia Today -


  1. hahahahahaha

    a liar who refused to resign because of 1MDB SCANDAL is now asking SO MANY cabinet ministers to resign

    wahhh gangster betul - ingat kecut tel*q dgn bini

  2. Najib adalah orang pertama yang perlu letak jawatan kerana dalam isu 1MDB ini, takkan nak paksa menteri dalam kabinet supaya menyokong penyelewengan Najib dan kuncu-kuncunya di dalam 1MDB itu?

    Kalau Najib tak mau letak jawatan, maka UMNO perlu memecat Najib, malahan ahli parlimen Barisan Nasional dalam parlimen perlu membuat usul dan undi tidak percaya kepada Najib agar dipecat dari jawatan Perdana Menteri.

    Malahan Najib perlu diheret ke mahkamah atas segala penyelewengan, salah laku, salah guna kuasa, penipuan dan jenayah-jenayah lain yang mencemarkan maruah kerajaan, mencemarkan maruah Barisan Nasional, mencemarkan maruah UMNO serta mengkhianati negara serta mengainaya rakyat.

    Najib perlu dihukum keras, dipenjarakan, letak satu penjara, satu bilik penjara dengan Anwar, baru padan, dua-dua pelingkup negara.
