Wednesday, August 6, 2014

How Stupid, PAS MP Hanipa Maidin Says Not Choosing Anwar Ibrahim as Prime Minister is Un-Islamic

Hanipa Maidin of PAS (right) in a discussion with Rafizi Ramli during the Selangor crisis forum yesterday. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Nazir Sufari, August 6, 2014.
Hanipa Maidin says it is un-islamic to reject Anwar Ibrahim as PM
PAS central committee member Mohamed Hanipa Maidin, who was present at "The Selangor crisis" forum at the Kuala Lumpur Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall was "shocked" to know that PAS leaders wanted to nominate  Umno's Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah as prime minister and had rejected Pakatan Rakyat's supremo Anwar Ibrahim's candidacy for the top post.

“Even though I am a PAS central committee member, I honestly had no idea about what Rafizi revealed.

“If I knew, I would have opposed it outright. I would like people to know that we in PAS want to bring in a new era of politics. We must understand that the public is watching us, we cannot act like we did 20 years ago.

“That’s why I myself want to say that what PAS did (rejecting Anwar and proposing Tengku Razaleigh) was unethical and un-Islamic.”

He said that the PAS leaders’ act of nominating someone outside of Pakatan to become prime minister last year was an act of betrayal to the party, their friends, and the public.

“We did not know. If we did, if (Shah Alam MP) Khalid Samad knew, we would have opposed it. I apologise to my friends in Pakatan.

“It is unethical, shameful, and I am deeply disappointed.”

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