Sunday, August 17, 2014


Tidak sopan dan biadap, as the Malays would say. I think the opposition and opposition NGOs and lawyers are getting too big for their shoes. They think that just because they won the state in 2008 and 2013 they no longer need to be civil towards the Palace.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Lim Kit Siang and Lim Guan Eng are both firing away until today with both guns blazing to demand that Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim resign from his post. This is in spite of His Royal Highness the Sultan of Selangor’s very clear and very precise titah (royal command) for Khalid to not do anything or say anything until HRH is back in Malaysia on 27th August 2014.

What is wrong with these people? Why do they insist that Khalid resign today itself and leave Selangor without a Menteri Besar for the next 11 days or so? Are they saying that Selangor can function for the next 11 days without the need of a chief executive? Who will be running the state then? The Selangor Religious Department?

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