Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Terkini: Kotak hitam #MH17 diserahkan pada wakil Malaysia di Bandar Donetsk. Ketua Pemisah Ukraine,Alexander Borodai juga hadir.

PM, @NajibRazak mendapat perhatian dan pujian seluruh media di dunia di atas kejayaan mendesak agar mayat & kotak hitam diserahkan.

Malah New York Times juga berkata, PM berjaya melakukan sesuatu dimana negara kuasa besar gagal lakukan.

The black boxes from Malaysia Airlines flight MH17, shot down in eastern Ukraine on July 17, have been handed over to Malaysian officials, reports the Guardian today.

The UK newspaper showed a photograph of an official from the self-proclaimed “Donetsk People's Republic" signing a memorandum to transfer the black boxes to a Malaysian official.

Rebel leader, Alexander Borodai, had earlier met with the Malaysian delegation for more than two hours, it said.

"Here they are, the black boxes," Borodai told a room packed with journalists at the headquarters of the Donetsk People's Republic, reports AFP, as an armed rebel placed the boxes on a desk.

Borodai also denied that the pro-Russian separatists had shot down the Boeing 777-200 carrying 298 people on board.

The rebels have also agreed to a ceasefire around the crash site.

The return of the black boxes, said to be in good condition, to Malaysian custody follows the move to send 282 bodies recovered from the MH17 crash site to the Netherlands for further investigations.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib said last night the bodies of 282 people left by train for Kharkiv where representatives from the Netherlands took possession of them. Most of the victims were Dutch.

In New York, Reuters reports that the United Nations Security Council yesterday condemned the downing of MH17 and demanded that armed groups allow "safe, secure, full and unrestricted access" to the crash site.

The 15-member council unanimously adopted an Australian-drafted resolution demanding those responsible "be held to account and that all states cooperate fully with efforts to establish accountability".

"We owe it to the victims and their families to determine what happened and who was responsible," said Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, who was in New York to negotiate the UN resolution. Australia lost 28 citizens in the crash.

She spoke about some of the Australian victims, including three children – aged 8, 10 and 12 – travelling home from Europe with their grandfather on flight MH17 on Thursday. "The parents are inconsolable in their grief," Bishop said.

The United States and its allies have blamed pro-Russian rebels for downing the plane.

Bishop told the council that Russia "must use its influence over the separatists" to ensure access to the site.

Veto-wielding council member Russia voted for the resolution after some changes were made to the text, including the characterisation of the incident as the "downing" of the airliner instead of "shooting down".

A request by Moscow for references to armed groups to be removed was not granted.

The resolution "demands that the armed groups in control of the crash site and the surrounding area refrain from any actions that may compromise the integrity of the crash site, including by refraining from destroying, moving, or disturbing wreckage, equipment, debris, personal belongings, or remains".  – July 22, 2014.

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