Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Tan Sri Vincent Tan Shall Apologise to Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan @mpkotabelud

I refer to the Press Statement released by Tan Sri Vincent Tan on the 13th of July 2014 titled "Why waste RM 1 Billion?" and why i think the statement from Tan Sri Vincent Tan is "partially" wrong. Due to this, I think he shall apologies to the Minister of Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan.

The Press statement from Tan Sri Vincent Tan contains 15 paragraph. Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 2 he confirms and acknowledged what Datuk Abdul Rahman had said all along, which is Datuk Abdul Rahman did not meet Tan Sri Vincent Tan, Berjaya Group or any third party to exert pressure on Tan Sri Vincent Tan and the Bukit Tagar landfill management to refrain from making statements on the Kuala Lumpur incinerator project. So, +1 for Datuk Abdul Rahman who did not lie to the public. 

Paragraph 3 and Paragraph 4 is basically talking about the Bukit Tagar landfill, its capability and capacity which i do not have any problem with. It is normal for project owners and/or company owners to promote their business and to show that they are the best in their industry. To be fair to Tan Sri Vincent Tan, he has been doing a good job in Bukit Tagar. 

However, in Paragraph 5, Tan Sri Vincent Tan made a major mistake. I would like to quote the Paragraph 5 below:

"Since we already have an adequate sanitary landfill to take care of Kuala Lumpur's and Selangor's waste for the long-term, in my view the government should not spend the estimated RM1 billion to implement the Kuala Lumpur incinerator project."

Now, the facts in Paragraph 5 is totally inaccurate. Tan Sri Vincent Tan is saying that "the government should not spend the estimated RM 1 Billion to implement the Kuala Lumpur incinerator project". 

Actually, the government is NOT SPENDING RM 1 Billion for the Kuala Lumpur incinerator project as the project is a Private-Finance-Initiative (PFI). 

No government money will be spent

Referring to Wikepedia, PFI means:

The private finance initiative (PFI) is a way of creating "public–private partnerships" (PPPs) by funding public infrastructure projects with private capital. Developed initially by the governments of Australia and the United Kingdom, and used extensively there and in Spain, PFI and its variants have now been adopted in many countries as part of the wider programme of privatisation and financialisation driven by an increased need for accountability and efficiency for public spending.

As you can see, the PFI method has been adopted in various European countries to provide capital for public projects, and also to create better need for accountability and efficiency in public spending, which is what that is being promoted by the Barisan Nasional (BN) government i.e. better accountability and transparency in large scale projects. 

Since Tan Sri Vincent Tan's paragraph 5 is inaccurate, there is no need for me to divulge further into his press statement as the subsequent paragraph is talking about how the government could better spent the so called RM 1 Billion, which the government is not going to fork out anyway. Due to the above, i would like to humbly request Tan Sri Vincent Tan to apologies to Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan for his inaccurate statement which then resulted in the minister being attacked by opposition portals for no apparent reason. 

Thank you. 

Note : Tan Sri Vincent Tan's full press statement can be obtained here : http://www.thesundaily.my/news/1111419

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