Thursday, July 3, 2014

@LiowTiongLai Got it all WRONG

Statement by @liowtionglai

Newly minted Transport Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai has apparently not being doing his homework. Today, the new Transport Minister  had "instructed" SPAD to be on the ground to monitor the tunnel collapse repair works.

However, Liow Tiong Lai got it all WRONG. The reason this minister got it all wrong is because the tunnel collapse was not caused by any of the public land transport companies but it was caused by works done by DBKL, which is under the purview of the Federal Territories Ministry. Please refer media statement below:

Press Release by the FT Ministry

Furthermore, what is shocking is that Liow Tiong Lai is apparently not aware that SPAD is a commission under the Prime Minister Department and not Ministry of Transport! Therefore Liow Tiong Lai has no authority to instruct SPAD.

Press Release by MRT Corporation

I really hope Liow Tiong Lai improves his performance as a minister. Prime Minister Najib Razak was criticized heavily for appointing ministers from MCA but the PM pushed through because he believes in the power sharing formula that has been adopted by BN.

Liow Tiong Lai has to repay the faith shown in him by the PM. No two ways about it and no more mistakes Mr. Liow. Ok?

PRESS Release from PRASARANA can be read HERE 

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