KL CHRONICLE: Now PAS MP Questions MAIS Agenda

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Now PAS MP Questions MAIS Agenda

A Selangor Party Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) leader have questioned the agenda behind the Selangor Islamic Religious Council's (MAIS) defiance of the attorney-general's decision to close the seized Bibles case and its refusal to return the 321 Bibles to the Bible Society of Malaysia (BSM).

Liberal & Pro Anwar Ibrahim PAS Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad said MAIS's defiance suggested the council had a "hidden agenda". However, Khalid did not divulge any proof or explanation on what he meant by "Hidden Agenda".

"We are concerned that they are behaving as if they do not acknowledge the official stance of‎ the government chosen by the rakyat. 

"Their actions are tantamount to separating the Sultan of Selangor from the rakyat," he told The Malaysian Insider yesterday.

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