KL CHRONICLE: @limkitsiang Dimasukkan Ke Institut Jantung Negara

Friday, June 13, 2014

@limkitsiang Dimasukkan Ke Institut Jantung Negara

Veteran DAP leader and staunch opposition critique Lim Kit Siang, 73, has been admitted to the government owned National Heart Institute (IJN) after he underwent a medical check-up this morning.

“The senior cardiologist at IJN  recommended a stress test and an angiogram to be conducted.

“The results of the angiogram have confirmed that he has not suffered blockages in the blood vessels in his heart,” DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said in a statement today.

Guan Eng also confirmed that his father, who is Gelang Patah MP, would be discharged this evening and would only require “a good night’s rest” before resuming his normal activities.

Kit Siang was first elected into Parliament as Bandar Melaka MP in 1969.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mohon laluan Tuan.. Laporan Polis PEMBELA Desak Ghani Patail Disiasat dan Digantung Tugas...


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